Video Games ☁️

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If you saw me post this.... No you didn't ♥︎


Eddie and you had just gotten home from one of his performances with his band, Corroded Coffin, And you and him were exhausted to say the least.

As soon as you opened the door to your house you ran over to the couch and fell down onto it.

"Eddie I'm tirrreedd." you moaned.
"Can we just go to bed?"
Eddie chuckled, taking his shoes off.
"Sorry baby, we've got some stuff to take care of first."

He walked over to where you were, and sat down on the couch next to you, sighing. He too was exausted, but you both were sweaty and needed a shower. Desperatly.

"Come on baby, we need to shower." He said shaking you.
He smiled to himself. Every part of you was so amazing to him.
He just wanted to pick you up, and hold you forever. Never letting you go.
"I love you" he whispered, running his fingers through your hair.
"I love you too" You frowned, rolling around to face him.

"Come on baby, let's go take a shower"
He said trying to pick you up.
But all he received in return was an angry, "mmmm."
He sighed. He had no idea how he was going to get you to shower.
"Y/n baby come on."

He picked your body up, and carried you over to the bathroom, putting you down in front of the door.
You yawned sleepily at him, taking your clothes off.
He smiled at you. "Good job baby. Come on, let's get in" he said reaching towards you.
You climbed into the shower and hugged him, laying onto his wet chest.
The water from his wet hair, dripping onto your face. But you didn't mind.
You were exhausted and you just wanted to cuddle him.

He rubbed your back for a few minutes and kissed you before he picked up a shampoo bottle and squirted it onto your head.

"Heyyyy" you frowned at him.
He smirked at you. "Now rub it in"


After you two had finished showering, Eddie wrapped you in a towel, and picked you up.
Then he started running around the house, to which you screamed and giggled for him to put you down.

He smiled, and dropped you down onto your bed.
"Get dressed, and when your done come meet me in the living room."
He said kissing your cheek.

You quickly put on a tangtop and some pajama pants, and ran to the living room, seeing Eddie on the couch.
You turned around to get a head start, and then you started running towards Eddie.
Once you got close enough to Eddie, you jumped ontop of him. Giggling like a little kid again.

"Oww, you hurt me" he fake cried

"Mhm, sure I did" you replied giggling.

He rolled his eyes at you and grabbed your chin, pulling you in for a kiss.

"Let's play something" he smiled.

"Like what?" You said playing with his rings.

"I don't know, do you wanna play Mario Kart?"

"Ok, but I wanna be Yoshi this time"

He suddenly gasped.
"You're so mean"

You giggled at the gesture, he really was perfect.
He turned on the TV and pulled up Mario Kart 8 on your Nintendo.

He sat back down and out his arm around you.
"Fine I'll just be Metal Mario" he sighed, to which you elbowed him in the side.

"We're doing the Mushroom Cup then" he said poking your forehead.

"But I haaaattteee the fucking mushroom cup" you groaned.

"Well you stole Yoshi, so you know what" he chuckled.


After playing for an hour straight, you told Eddie you were tired, and you just wanted to watch him play now.

So he turned on one of his games, and you leaned onto his shoulder, watching him.

He looked so cute when he was focused. He stuck his tounge up to his top lip, and scrunched his eyes a little bit. It was absolutely adorable.

After about an hour, Eddie asked You if you wanted to go to bed now, to which there was no reply.

"Y/n? Y/n?" He turned to face you, but instead of your smiling face, he was met with your sleepy little eyes.

He giggled to himself, he loved it when you fell asleep on him.
You looked adorable sleeping too.
It was probably one of his favorite states to find you in.

He turned off his game, and the TV, and he picked you up, and brought you to your bedroom, laying you down, and tucking you in.

Eddie had to go to the bathroom, so he figured it would be ok just to leave you for a quick second.

After washing his hands, he opened the door, and to his surprise, there you were. Standing in front of the door, rubbing your eyes like a little girl again.

"Eddie, are we going to bed now?" You yawned sleepily.

"Yes baby come on, let's go."

You both got into bed and closed your eyes.
But after a few minutes he heard your voice speak again.

"Eddie can you cuddle me?"

He chuckled to himself.
"Of course baby."

He rolled over, closer to you, and put his arms around you. Holding you close.


Thank you guys for reading!

For the next few days I won't be posting, because I don't want to get spoiled for volume 2, and I also will be spending time with my family, so I won't have time to write.

When I get back tho, I will be writing a shit ton ♥︎

Thank you guys so much again ♥︎


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