I Love My Boyfriend ♡♡☁️

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Eddie was the type of boyfriend who would throw rocks at your window at 3 o'clock in the morning.
If you didn't wake up, he'd sneak in through your window and climb into bed with you.
Whenever you woke up in the morning and saw him, you would smile to yourself, and gently stroke his face as he slept.

You woke up before him always, so whenever he came over, you'd sneak under his arms, replacing your space with a pillow, and then go make him breakfast.

Eddie would wake up, find you gone, and be upset.
But when he found you making him breakfast, he would sneak up to you, and put his arms around you.

You always felt so loved around him.
But lately, you hadn't seen Eddie at all.
You would stay up all night waiting for him to come see you, but he just wouldn't appear.
You were worried, extremely.
He wouldn't even give you a call.
Did he find someone else, was he ok?

All these thoughts raced through your head.
You had a deep fear, he would leave you. But you just weren't sure.

After days of waiting and waiting, you decided to drive out to Eddie's trailer and see if he was ok.

As soon as you parked, his van was nowhere to be seen. You could tell something was wrong.
You hurried up to the door, and began knocking repeatedly onto it, soon pounding.
The whole time crying out his name.
You weren't sure what was going on, but you desperately wanted to know.

After five whole minutes of this you soon gave up, and sat down onto the ground, leaning against the base of the trailer.

"Maybe Eddie has moved on" you thought, discouraged.
You felt your eyes start to sting, but you didn't hold back.
You began to sob, and it soon turned into a full panic attack.

Eddie was the only one who truly understood you, and the fact that he might have possibly given up on you, made you want to give up on everything.
After all your whole world revolved around him.
Why couldn't he just show up and come hold you.

You stood up, dusted yourself off, and got into your car. Prepared to drive back home.

You felt absolutely worthless, like shit.
It had been a week since you had seen Eddie.
He hasn't called you or anything.
You even went to his friends house, but he wasn't there either.
They said they didn't know what was wrong, but they had just seem him earlier. So what was going on with him.

You checked everywhere.
His drug dealers house, the woods by the school, where he often hung out,
You even went to the place the two of you made out at for the first time, Skull Rock. But he was nowhere to be seen anywhere.
Everyone else was seeing him, but you.
And it drove you absolutely insane.
Why couldn't he just be honest with you, and tell you he didn't like you anymore.

You layed on your bed, absolutely stunned.
At this point you had completely given up on hope.
He didn't love you anymore, did he.
It had been two weeks now, and he didn't even give you a sign.

"What a dick." you thought.
He couldn't even break up with you in person.

Suddenly your doorbell rang.

"Will you get that sweetie?" Your mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming." You shouted back at her. Half annoyed.

When you got to the door, a feeling of hope returned.
But when you opened the door, instead of seeing Eddie, you saw Steve Harrington...

"Steve? What are you doing here?" You asked extremely confused.

"Oh hey y/n! I was actually looking for you! Are you maybe busy tonight?"

You looked at him, absolutely astonished.
"Are you serious? I have a boyfriend"
You said, about to close the door on his face with how pissed you were at him.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now