Up All Night 🍋

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You were sitting on Eddie's bed, Twirling your hair in between your fingers. Silently waiting for him to get out of the shower.
However that led you to, imagine things...

You and Eddie had been dating for a few months now, but you had never even seen him shirtless.
It didn't really bother you that much, but it led you to imagine a lot of things between you. Considering you had never had any of these things happen to you, it drove you crazy.
All you wanted was for Eddie to touch you, and show you that you were his, and no one else's.

So this led you to an idea.
You sat up from his bed, and took your clothes off.
As soon as you heard the shower turn off, you waited there.

Eddie stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes, presumably putting his clothes on.
And while he did that, you stood up, walked to the bathroom door, and stood there, waiting for it to open.

As soon as it did, you looked him in the eyes, fully naked, and asked him if you could take a shower too.
Just as you had hoped, his eyes looked you up and down. A certain look on his face forming.
You were worried tho, you didn't know whether or not this look was the reaction you were hoping for.
You were afraid he was uncomfortable.

But he didn't say anything. All he did was nod, and walk out of the bathroom.
This upset you. You wanted a reaction from him, even just a word, but he said nothing.
You closed the bathroom door, and looked at yourself in the mirror, staring at your body.
The things you wanted him to do to you.
Just the thought of him made you throb.

You got into the shower, standing there for a while. Just letting the hot water run down your body.
Part of you was really upset, and numb. But the other half of you wanted to get back at him.

As soon as you were done showering, you got out, and dried yourself off.
You had a plan.

When you left the bathroom, you walked into his room naked. Asking if you could borrow some clothes.
Once again he stared at you, and just nodded.
"Fine, of that's how he wants to play, whatever" you thought.

You went over to his dresser and grabbed some clothes and put them on. The whole time, he stared at you.
Watching you closely, every move.
You smiled at him, and then sat down to where he was sitting on the bed, next to him.

You laid your head on his chest, but only then could you hear the loud beating of his heart.

You looked up at him with a fake confused look on your face, and saw sweet dripping down his neck.
"What is it? What's wrong?" You teasingly asked.
"Really" his raspy voice suddenly answered, much to your surprise.

"You gonna keep fucking around like that, or are you gonna take your clothes back off?" He said, grabbing your chin, and pushing you onto your back.

The look on your face suddenly changed.
He got ontop of you, and kissed you roughly.
You felt yourself become wetter and wetter.
He put his hand under your shirt, and unclasped your bra with one hand, holding onto the bed with the other.

He suddenly stuck his tongue into your mouth, making you moan.
"Eddie what are you doing?" You gasped.

"What, isn't this what you wanted?" He smirked.

His long black hair falling into your eyes, as he grabbed your tit with his free hand.
Kneading it in between his palm.
He sat up off of you, and took your shirt of, throwing it across the room.
He then moved down to your tit.
Sucking on it harshly, sending moans out of your mouth.
Occasionally he moved his head up to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.

Your body begged for him to be inside of you.
You involuntary started grinding against him, which made him angry.
"Not yet pretty face" he smirked at you, moving his head down to your wet pussy.

He began to swirl his tounge along your clit, making you moan so loud the walls shook.
He let out a "shh", but the vibrations of his voice only made you feel better.
He stuck his fingers into you, as he licked, and sucked.
After only a few minutes, you felt yourself close to cumming.
But he must have known somehow, because at that exact moment, he sat up and licked his lips, smirking at you.
He pulled his fingers out and the sight of them embarrassed you.
Were you really that wet?
He licked his fingers clean, and picked you up, sitting you ontop of him, grabbing your ass now.
He squeezed it, and smiled at you.
"Are you ready baby?"

You nodded, biting your lip.
He unbuckled his pants and pulled them off, throwing them to where your bra and shirt were.
He then slipped himself into you.
Balls deep, making him grunt.
He gripped onto your hips and started moving.
You arched your back, moaning at how good the feeling was.
You could have never imagined it would be this good.
Your moans, and his grunts, filled the room.
The sweet sensation lingering in the air, and he bucked his hips over and over. Thrusting slow at first, but then it became faster.
A feeling began to build up inside of you, and once again he could tell.
He looked into your eyes, and kissed you. Holding you closer, and thrusting faster.
"Eddie" you moaned "I'm close".
He stared closely at you, and held your hips.
"I know" he answered, with a certain look on his face, making you melt.
He threw his head back.
Your moans became louder, and his thrusts faster and smoother. Before you knew it, you felt his cum shoot up into you. Making you cum onto his dick.

He pulled out of you, and layed you ontop of him, the two of you panting.
He cupped your cheek with his hand and smiled at you.
"Is that what you wanted baby?" He chuckled.
You felt your face suddenly become red, wanting to hide.
He pulled your head close to his, as he rubbed your scalp.
"I love you baby" he whispered into your ear.
"I love you too"
You suddenly paused, facing the floor, instead of his face.

"You didn't have to do that." You said half embarrassed.
He sat up, pulling you with him.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this? I was afraid you didn't want it, But I think about it every night y/n"

"Would you do it again?", You looked into his eyes.

"I'll do whatever you want, whenever baby" he said softly.


Thank you guys so much for 1k views on this story!! I appreciate each and every one of you!
Thank you so so much for everything 💗💗💗

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