Make Up 🍋

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've been with my family. I probably won't update for another few days after this one bc I'll be on vacation, but I'll try to get something up on Monday! ♡

This was a request. ♡


You and Eddie had been together for two years, and for the most part, you both got along. You rarely fought. But today was different...

 Today had been fucked from the moment you woke up. You were an hour late to work, and the electric bill hadn't been paid, so the power was out. When you got to work, you got yelled at by your boss, and then spilled coffee all over yourself. You just wanted to go back home and sleep all day, but obviously you couldn't. And then after a long day of work, you planned on taking a nice hot shower when you got home, but your car ran out of gas in the middle of the road. An hour later your car got towed, and you took an uber home. 

You were fucking pissed. Today had been so shitty, it didn't even feel real. As soon as you got home, you threw your shoes off and slammed the door. Completely ignoring Eddie and storming right off to your bedroom. You took your clothes off and jumped into the shower, trying to get the stench of coffee off of you. 

The water was too hot though, and your skin soon turned red and splotched. You didn't really care though. Nothing really bothered you much at this point. You rinsed the soap off of your body and stepped out of the shower, grabbing your towel and walking out of the bathroom. You wrapped the towel around you and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As you opened the cabinet to get a glass, you heard Eddie walking towards you. Ignoring him you held the cup under the faucet and watched closely as water poured into the cup. 

From the way he was stomping, you could tell he was upset. You remembered you hadn't even spoken to him when you got home and felt kind of bad. A few seconds later he lightly cleared his throat, making you turn around to face him, already knowing he was going to be upset.

"Not even gonna fucking speak to me?" He spat suddenly.

"Eddie I'm sorry. It's been a stressful da-"

"So stressful that you can't even say hello to me?" He interrupted.

"Jesus fuck, I'm sorry ok." You sighed rolling your eyes.

"And now you're being bratty. You know what that does to me..." Eddie rasped walking closer to you. He placed one hand around your throat lightly and began to pull you foreword. 

"Eddie, I said I was sorry, please." You frowned, trying to move away from him.

"No Y/n, you're being a brat and you need to learn your lesson." He said gripping your neck slightly harder and smashing his face against yours. He pressed deeper and deeper into you, dominating you. He let go of your neck and slowly dragged his hands down to your waist, dropping one hand down to the waistband of your panties. He stared deeply into your eyes as his fingers slowly rubbed along your clothed clit. He moved your panties to the side and stuck two fingers into you, smirking at you as he thrusted his hand along the insides of you. You began panting as he slightly curled his fingers. 

You felt yourself coming close and began to pant harder, tears falling from your eyes. The way he smirked at you while he touched you drove you crazy. All you could think about was finishing as you arched your back, clenching onto his fingers. He smirked at you and then pulled his fingers out of you. 

"Eddie what are you doing?" You frowned as he undid his buckle.

"Teaching you a lesson." He panted pulling down his pants and boxers, throwing both to the side. His cock prominently stood straight up and glistened. He pushed you against the counter and pushed himself inside of you, leaning on top of you. You gripped against his shoulder as he thrusted into you at a quick pace almost immediately. You dragged your nails along his skin as he thrusted harder and harder into you. He gripped onto your throat as he continued to pound his whole length inside of you. 

"Fuck Eddie." You moaned, making him thrust faster. He grinned at you as he watched you melt along his dick, sliding you on and off of him. He liked seeing you desperate for him, he craved it. He was always waiting for moments like these. Excuses to fuck the shit out of you. He pulled at your hair roughly, bending you backwards more so he could thrust into you at a better angle.

You started to feel like you were shaking. Your moans came faster and became more airier, and your legs began to shake. He grunted as his cock began to shake inside of you. 

"Eddie." You screamed clenching onto his arm harder as you felt yourself release onto him. He continued to thrust into you, soon cumming roughly into you. You felt a sudden warm liquid flow into you, dripping out as soon as Eddie pulled out of you. 

Eddie smirked at you and stuck his hand back down to your clit, rubbing circles into it, overstimulating you. Your thighs shook as he swirled his fingers along you faster and faster. 

"Eddie please." You whined, feeling incredibly sensitive. He didn't seem to care though because he continued to move against you without even flinching. You felt yourself release a second time painfully, your eyes glassing over as you stared up at him, panting. He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the couch, laying you down onto it. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a towel. He walked back over to you and smiled at you. He cleaned you up and softly kissed your cheek.

"So, tell me what caused you to ignore me for an hour." He teased, resting his hand onto your cheek. 

"I'll tell you later. Let's order some food and watch a movie or something." You yawned reaching for the remote.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled throwing himself down next to you. 

"Oh and y/n... Don't ever ignore me like that ever again."


Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now