Camping ☁️

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This was another request from my very mean friend. She's holding me captive and forcing me to write this. Call for help right now please. She's gonna dox me totally. Also, I have only gone camping twice so I have no fucking idea what I'm writing :)

Also, if you requested something for me to write, I will try to put it out as soon as I can, but I have quite a few requests rn so I'm trying to get them out as soon as I can

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Also, if you requested something for me to write, I will try to put it out as soon as I can, but I have quite a few requests rn so I'm trying to get them out as soon as I can. Thank you for reading ♡


You and Eddie were currently packing for your 1 week camping trip, and it was quite disastrous. Eddie was trying to pack basically all of his belongings into his van, even though he didn't need half the things he stuffed in there.

"Eddie, why do you have your guitar?" You asked, walking outside as he placed his cased guitar against his seat. 

"What if someone wants to hear a song? Like a campfire song?" He pouted, grabbing your hand and holding it close to his face.

"Fine, but if we don't have enough room, you're keeping it here." You frowned putting your hands on your hips.

You had only packed a bathing suit and a few cute outfits, while Eddie had packed his whole fucking room. He was quite the "glamper". 

"Did you pack your bathing suit?" You asked him, throwing your suitcase in the back.

"Fuck, give me a second. I'm packing the more important things first." He whined, making you roll your eyes at him.


You guys had finally packed and were now driving 3 hours away from Hawkins to a secluded camp site, where you would meet your friends, and then set up your tents. The whole drive there you two listened to Dio, (AHHHH) Metallica, (AHHHHHHH) and W.A.S.P. (which you enjoyed because you two had very similar taste in music) And then played 'I Spy' for like an hour, until you finally pulled into the campsite and spotted Steve's car. You were camping with The Hellfire club members, and your friends, Steve, Robin, etc.

You ran up to Robin excitedly and hugged her from behind, which startled her, making her drop the poles for their tent. 

"oops, sorry." You frowned, bending down to pick them up. 

Robin looked down at you and giggled, grabbing the poles from your arms. "Careful." She said smiling at you before walking away over to where Steve was standing with his hands on his hips, staring at Dustin, telling him to stop touching the dirt because it was going to get all over his tent, which made you laugh. A few seconds later, after struggling since it was buried under all of his stuff, Eddie came out of the back of the van, holding the new tent the two of you bought.

"Come here and help me put up this shit up." Eddie frowned sulking over to a clean piece of land and placing the box down onto the ground. 

"What's wrong?" You frowned, opening up the box and taking out all the poles.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now