Sweet Dreams 🍋

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This was a request! Also, guys..... I made a realization whilst writing this from my computer...



I'm stressed. So I'll fix that some other time....



You and Eddie had been dating for about a year now. But you had only had sex once.
You assumed he just didn't like it, so you never really asked. But you thought about it often. You craved for him. So much so it started to bleed into your daily life. You started to dream about it.

Those dreams were wet and fucking hot.  You would wake up sweating, horny as shit. The only thing you had on your mind lately was him on top of you. Sweaty, shirtless, his hair sticking to his forehead as he'd pant for air. The problem was though, you began to have these dreams more and more often. So much so, they were all you ever dreamt about lately. 

 Normally this wouldn't be a problem. But considering Eddie was coming over to your house tonight (For the first time in a few weeks) You were worried you were going to have one of those dreams again. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but you knew you wouldn't be able to keep yourself awake, so you came up with a plan.

All day you drank all sorts of things with caffeine in them. Coffee, Redbull, Pop/Soda, etc. It seemed to work, but you weren't sure if it would last all day long. This worried you, extremely. 

 Throughout the day you and Eddie did all sorts of fun things. You forced him to go on a picnic with you, which he didn't seem to mind too bad. You danced in the woods to the playlist you made for him. (Which included Dio, Black Sabbath, W.A.S.P, Metallica, Motorhead, The Cramps, and some Iron Maiden. NO ARTIC MONKEYS: CCC) He really loved dancing with you in the woods, so he was having a great day. 

As night fell, you both sat in the school parking lot in his van and smoked. You both got really anxious freaqently, considering everyone in town hated the both of you, so this was a common thing for the two of you to do.

About an hour later, the two of you drove back to your house and got ready for bed. Once you laid down next to him, you began to panic. After smoking you always felt exhausted. There was no way you weren't going to fall asleep. 

"Goodnight baby." Eddie mumbled as he began to rub your back. "Goodnight." you quietly answered back, a slight panic in your voice. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice because, soon he was fast asleep. Snoring like a little baby. He was cute as fuck when he was sleeping.

For a about an hour, you struggled to keep yourself awake. But your sleepiness got to you, and you soon fell right asleep. And just as you had dreaded, you had a dream about Eddie... Again.



Eddie woke up to the sounds of whimpers escaping your mouth. At first, it was nothing. But soon full-on moans started coming out of you. You were gasping his name. He knew exactly what you were dreaming about, but he didn't know why. He thought you hated having sex with him, so he never asked you to. 

So instead of waking you up, he just laid there and watched as you moaned, and gasped for him over and over. The puddle in between your thighs growing larger and larger. You started to grip onto the pillow and arch your back, to which Eddie could handle this no longer.

He started to stroke your face, which is what he did every time he woke you up, so you were used to it. When you woke up this time however, you knew exactly what had happened, and were extremely nervous at what he would say. Not only that, but you were still horny as shit.



You opened your eyes. "E-eddie?" You yawned. He smirked at you, and smashed his face against your lips, biting them needlingly. He placed his tongue at the entrance of your mouth, begging to enter, and of course you let him. It was only then had you noticed the bulge in his pants.    "You see that baby?" He panted, pulling away from the kiss. You nodded shyly.                                      "Well, since you've been begging for it all night long, I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you'll be needing me to carry you around for a month."

You gulped. This was exactly what you wanted, what you needed even. But still, you were nervous.                                                                                                                                                                                      "I promise I'll try to be gently baby." He reassured you, seeing the sudden panic on your face.

He laid you down, and pulled off your pants and underwear, doing the same with his. He then threw them down onto the floor, crawling over to you. He looked so sexy, just as you'd imagined. The dim lighting from your night light illuminated his features, showing off his muscles so well, just looking at him on top of you made you wanna melt. He stared deep at you, opening your legs and positioning himself at your entrance. 

He then shoved his whole length into your tight hole. Filling it up completely. You threw your head back, moaning continuously. So loud, you thought the light bulbs might break. and the way he looked at you. Oh god was it hot. He stared at you the whole time, not looking away. He would eye you up and down and then grip onto you, thrusting harder. 

At one point you ended up on top. As you bounced, he sucked on your tit, grabbing it, biting it, and kneading it into his hand. He would look up at you with his beautiful eyes and pant, as sweat dripped down his head. 

"Eddie." You started whining. He picked you up, and roughly threw you down onto the bed, so you were on your hands and knees. He grippe onto your waist and above your ass with his thumb and repeatedly thrusted into you, desperately, needlingly. 

Soon he started to moan louder. "Fuck Y/n." before pulling out, flipping you over aggressively and cumming onto your chest. Then he stuck two fingers inside of you until you came onto his hand. 

"EDDIE." You moaned arching your back.

He collapsed onto his back, and you laid down next to him. After a few minutes of panting, he turned to face you, and smashed his lips against yours, hitting your nose. 

"Eddie your nose." You giggled.

He just grabbed your face with his two big veiny hands and held you. Rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, admiring your features.                                                                                                                    Then he suddenly smirked and looked you into the eyes, grabbing your chin.

"What was that dream about huh?" He chuckled.

You embarrassingly turned away giggling.                                                                                                                  He pulled you in closer to him and grabbed you. Digging his face into your neck.   

"Do you not like me fucking you?" he quietly asked. 

You turned to face him, surprised. "Why wouldn't I like to?"

"I don't know, you never want to." he says looking away. 

"No no Eddie, I thought you didn't like doing it, so I never asked." "I'm sorry."

He looked up at you and smiled. "Can we do it more often then?" 

You nodded giggling. He picked you up, and ran around the room with you, jumping all around.

"Eddie my parents are sleeping." you chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I just love you." He pouted.

"I know you do, but you can do that in the morning."

He frowned and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, I love you."

He looked up at you again smiling. "I love you more."

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now