Hurt pt 2

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That night, you were extremely excited to hang out with Eddie, and you didn't know why.

Maybe it was the fact that Eddie, one of the most passionate and caring people you had ever met, wanted to hang out with you. And you couldn't make it out.

No one ever wanted to hang out with you. You were just the girl that wad there, but no one noticed.
So no one would know if you were gone.
You didn't want to think about that now though, so you got out your hair curler, your mascara, and a few other things. You wanted to look put together.

After getting ready, and looking extremely stunning, thay feeling started to creep up on you again.
That sinking useless feeling.
What if Eddie didn't care, what if he was just going to humiliate you?
Your mind raced, and among all of the fear and mix of feelings, you found yourself laying into your bed, huddled. An empty feeling spreading throughout you.
Soon you forgot about hanging out, you forgot about everything.

All you wanted was to get out of here.
Everything hurt too much, and there was no way Eddie would be able to help with that.
You felt your eyes begin to sting, about to cry, but you heard a knock st the door.
You really didn't want to get up to get it. So you just layed there, hoping he would go away.

After a few minutes, things went silent, you were finally alone.
However that was not the case, because in reality, Eddie had invited himself in, to look for you.

When he saw you laying in your bed, he assumed you were sleeping, so he tapped your shoulder, asking you to wake up.

But when you turned to face him, his face changed.

"Y/n, is everything ok" he asked sincerely
You looked up at him, his beautiful dark brown eyes staring at you.

The way he looked at you, made the feeling even worse.
So much so, tears started falling from your eyes, and they wouldn't stop.

As soon as you started crying, he grabbed you and held you close, rubbing your back, and whispering into your ear. Just as your mom used to, until she started hurting you.

That made you cry even harder.
You felt bad you were getting his jacket all wet and snotty, but he held you so tight, you felt much better.

After you had calmed down, he asked you what was going on, and you told him everything.

About your mom and dad, about how you felt, about where you were going earlier today.

When he heard those words his face went blank.
He grabbed you and held you tight.

"Y/n, please don't ever do that. I'll be here for you whenever you need me, I'll do whatever you want, just please don't leave me" he whimpered into your ear.

"I've waited so long to ask you to hang out, I've waited so long to talk to you. I was so afraid you hated me, but you are so beautiful and perfect, I couldn't hold back anymore. Please don't leave me after all of this"

You looked up at him, surprised that someone actually cared.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Eddie" you said quietly, digging your face into his chest.

"Let's go hang out now ok"

He held you tighter grabbed your head, preventing you from getting up.
"Can we stay like this a little longer?" He asked, looking down at you.

You nodded and layed back into his arms, where you hoped you could go to from now on.

You and Eddie sat there for about another hour, him running his fingers through your hair, humming.
And you playing with the rings on his other hand.
Feeling finally cared for by someone.


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