Vampire 🍋

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This was a request🥶😨also guys we're coming up to 50k reads. How tf is that even possible. Idk, but I love you guys, and thank you for all the funny comments bc they really make my day <3 



"No... please no"    

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I tried to stop him."



 It had been two months since Eddie's death, and you still refused to believe it. You had hardly eaten, and you hadn't left your room, much to your parent's concern. And the nightmares... that was the worst part of it all. Every night when you fell asleep, all you saw was him being torn apart by those god damn bats. And every night you would wake up screaming in a pool of sweat. You felt so numb inside. All you wanted was for him to be there again. To smoke cigarettes on your roof at 3am, to listen to all the mixtapes he made for you, to get high out your minds together, to tell each other everything, and to wake up with him next to you. That's all you really wanted. You missed everything. You missed him.

It's not like he was your boyfriend or anything though. You were only best friends. Very close ones. But maybe the fact that you never got to tell him how you truly felt made everything burn even worse. Hell, it killed you. Every day when you woke up, you cried. You wished it was you instead. And when night hit, you hyperventilated, terrified to have to see it all over again. 

Tonight, you were going to try something different. As you got into bed and laid down, you prepared yourself for how long and miserable you were probably going to be. Your plan was to stay awake the whole night, which honestly sounded stupid considering how tired you were, but you couldn't bear to see Eddie like that. Not again. 

At first you struggled to keep your eyes open, but after an hour or two you figured out a strategy. Every time you felt like you were about to fall asleep, you turned on your lamp for a few minutes. It was annoying and frequent, but it worked. After doing this for so long you felt like you were actually losing your mind. The shadows around your room, illuminated from the moonlight leaking in through you window, started to dance around. And the wind blew harder and harder. For a minute you even thought you saw a bright red flash appear outside your window. 

But eventually you realized something felt off, and it wasn't just because it was almost 4 o'clock in the morning. You legitimately thought you saw your window start to slide open, and it was scaring the fuck out of you. You closed your eyes tightly, hoping whatever it was would just go away, but you soon heard a thud on the floorboards, and whatever it was seemed to be very big and strong. You started to panic, praying you weren't about to get kidnapped as the sound of footsteps walked closer and closer to you, before stopping at the side of your bed, where you were laying. 

You flinched as a hand began to caress your face, hopefully not making it obvious you were awake. After a few minutes of trying to compose yourself, whatever it was walked around to the other side of the bed and laid down next to you. It wrapped its arms around you and held you close, the familiar scent of cigarettes hitting your nostrils. You were terrified. You wanted to know who it was, but you were afraid it would get you killed. But before you could even make a decision, it began to speak.

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