Begging 🍋

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TW ⚠️ : There are some vulgar words in this story, so if you aren't into degrading, this story may not be for you ♡

I have a soft smut story coming up soon, so stay tuned for that♡

I also am staring another oneshots story for male K-pop Idols, so if you're into that, feel free to check it out.
If not, I won't be offended ♡
Thank you for checking out my content !! ♡♡♡♡

Let's just put it plainly.
You had been horny
And Eddie was well aware of it.
While he was at his drug deals, you had been sending him pictures of you.
This being all day.

And with every picture you sent him, the hornier he became.
The needier.

As soon as he came home, he slammed the door behind him, and pushed you against it.

You knew exactly why he was doing this, but just for the fun of it, you decided to fuck with him.

You looked up at him, making eye contact and pouting.
"What did I do? Why are you pinning me down?" You "asked", almost giggling the whole time.

Eddie wasn't going to play around with your bullshit right now, he already had enough teasing today, and he was ready to fuck you senseless.

"Don't fucking play that right now y/n. You know what you fucking did."
He grunted at you, putting his hand around your throat now.

You weren't going to let him win though. You weren't that type of person.
So you looked him dead in the eyes, and laughed, smirking.

"Look, I don't know what exactly you're going on about right now, but I've got chores to finish so-"

You were just about to walk away when he grabbed you and pushed you onto the couch.

You looked up at him, pretending to be confused.

"Don't even fucking give me that.
If that's how you're gonna act, that's fine. But I swear to God, you are going to fucking regret it."Chic 9h8mm9

He said getting ontop of you now.

He gripped your neck, and started biting your lip, while slowly grinding onto you. Making you whine.

"Listen to you, making those sounds.
Just a few seconds ago you were just
'Doing chores' huh?"

You turned your head so he couldn't see the embarrassment on your face, but he didn't like that.

He grabbed your chin and turned your face back to his.

"Look at me while im on top of you slut." He grunted.

He held your chin up, as he continued to grind on top of you.

After a few minutes, you began to shake.
You needed to be touched now, and he wasn't giving it to you.

"Eddie please fuck me already"
You whined up at him.

"Mmmm.. no." He smirked.

You suddenly had an idea...

You pushed him down onto the couch and started grinding on him, and kissing him. Just as he had done to you.

For a moment he sat there, and let it happen.
Before he smirked at you, picked you up, and carried you to your bedroom saying, "You think I'd let you off that easy?"

He threw you down onto the bed, and took off your clothes.
He smirked before running his fingers through your folds, grinning ear to ear.

It felt good, but you needed more.
And he was well aware of this..

You started to grind against is hand for more, but he didn't like that one bit.

"Stay here" he grunted.

He walked over to the dresser and pulled something out of your dresser.

"Close your eyes" he demanded.
Slowly walking over to you again.

You obeyed, and soon you felt something lock around your wrists.
His handcuffs.
He locked you up with the bed frame, so your hands were up in the air.

"Here's how it's gonna work baby."
He said pushing you against the bed frame.

"I'm gonna fuck you continously, over and over again, until you can't feel your fuckin body."
"Do you understand?"

You nodded, biting your lip.

"Words." He grunted.

"Yes Eddie, I understand."

And with that, he bent you over and shoved his cock into you, without even a warning.

He often did this when you teased him, and you enjoyed it.

He began thrusting into you over and over again.
His dick pulsating into you.
Every few minutes he would smack your ass and grip it, making your whole body sting.

The feeling of his cold rings pressing onto your waist send vibrations throughout your body.

Every part of what he was doing to you, made you feel like you were going to explode.

The smell of sweat and colonge, mixing with the deep raspy breaths he took, were enough alone to make you cum.

But everytime you were about to cum, he would pull out, cum on your ass, and then keep going.

He somehow knew when you were about to, and he had fun doing it too.

After a while, it felt like there was a puddle of cum dripping down your entire back.
You were covered in it, every part of you.

Your whole body ached so much, and you just needed a release so badly, at this point you were crying, and begging Eddie to let you cum.

But all he said was
"Soon princess." And then he smirked.

He continued to thrust into you, but this time he didn't stop.
Everything began rushing over you, and you soon came onto his cock, which seemed to be extremely sensitive from the amount of times he came.

A feeling of relief entered your body.
But you were sore, and weak.
It seemed Eddie was too, because a second later, he collapsed onto the bed next to you.

"Eddie.." you quietly whimpered.

"What's wrong baby?" He muffled without lifting his head up from the bed.

"Can you take these off of me?"

He sat up, chuckling.

"Sorry baby, I forgot about those."

He reached over and unlocked them, putting them on the bedside table.

He then grabbed you and sat you in his lap.

"Did you learn your lesson?" He smirked.

You pretending to think for a moment before giggling, "mmm no."

Which made Eddie roll his eyes.
But deep down, you knew you both enjoyed it....

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now