You're Mine 🍋(They/Them)

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                                             Heyyyy guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted >:C

I have not wanted to write for a good like 4 days :( But we are back, so here I am double posting to try to make up for it <3 This story is made specifically for non-binary people. I tried to make the smut as non-gender specific as possible, but if anything makes you uncomfortable or seems to be not quite, please let me know so it can be as accurate as possible. I know the gays, and the theys love Eddie too, so let me please try to have something for you to read! <3 Also if anyone else has any sort of requests for certain pronouns, I will try my hardest to write something for you! And anyone else with any requests or anything like that [bc ik sometimes we're looking for something specific ;)] Feel free to message me or comment bc I will try hard to write it for you <3

This was a request


"We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game?" Eddie said standing up on the table. You had just recently joined the "Hellfire Club" and you were already enjoying every second of it. Especially since the leader of the club, Eddie Munson, was literally the finest person on this whole ass planet. 

      You had been staring at him for a while, thinking deep about.... things ;)                                             When suddenly he waved his hands in front of your face. "Earth to Y\N." Making you come back to the moment, embarrassed. He walked away from you, over to his friends muttering something along the lines of, "No one ever listens to me. Especially them. Meh meh meh." Which made you suddenly snort.                                                                                                                                                     "Oh, so that's what you listen to huh?" He smirks at you.                                                                                     "Since you're too good to listen to me your majesty, how about you come meet me in the woods after class, hm?" He suddenly whispered into your ear, smirking.

You gulp, nodding. If you were being honest with yourself, you were kind of afraid as to what meeting him in the woods entailed, but you had some sort of an idea. 

    The rest of the day took what felt like forever, but soon the bell rung, and out you went.                When you got to the woods, you looked around for him, honestly unsure if this is where he wanted to meet, considering the fact he wasn't even there yet.                                                                        You sat down on a nearby picnic table, worried. Maybe he had forgotten. But suddenly you felt a hand on your back, making you jump.                                                                                                                          "Relax darling, it's just me." He chuckled. He stared at you for a moment or two, before caressing your cheek and pulling you closer to him.                                                                                            

 He lifted your chin up to face him and smiled. "So, tell me Y/n, why is it that every time you're around me, you stare so deeply at me?" You felt your face turn red.                                                               "Oh yeah, that too." He smirks, making you aware that he had seen your face.                                       "I just like disassociate sometimes or something, you know?" You chuckle awkwardly, trying to back yourself up.                                                                                                                                                                     He frowns at you, standing up. "I don't like it when people lie to me y/n. Tell me what you really think about, in detail." 

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