Who is He to You? pt 2

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♡ Slight Smut ♡

You stood up onto your bed, terror running through your veins.

Now that you thought about it, you did see a van following you.
Were you being kidnapped?

You opened your window, and stuck your head out.
"Hello?" You asked shakingly.

You looked down to the ground, and there was ....

"Eddie..???" You asked confused.

Eddie was a boy you had gone to school with your whole life.
He often got called a freak, but you had secretly liked him for a long time now.
You wondered what he was doing here. Was he the one following you?

"What are you doing at my house?"

"It's a long story" he said as his face turned bright red.
His curly long hair stuck to his forehead. He appeared to be very sweaty all of a sudden.

"Do you wanna come in..?" You asked him, hesitantly.

"Uh sure" his heart started to race.
He was going to be in your room, ans a part of him felt really weird about it.

He climbed in, falling onto your bed.
He sat up and faced you.

"So what were you doing ?" You asked, sitting down next to him

"Well um..." he paused
"I guess I should be honest"
He felt like a huge fucking creep, letting his anger take over him.

He explained everything to you.
The way he thought about you, the way he looked at you. And the reason why he had followed you home, creepy as it was.

You suddenly started laughing.
"Are you serious Eddie?" You said, in tears at this point.
"Uh, I'm sorry?" He asked confused.

"Steve is my brother" You giggled.

A sudden feeling of embarrassment took him over. His whole face red at this point.

You threw yourself back, laying onto your bed.

"I didn't know that's how you felt about me. I honestly thought you hated me" you quietly said to him.

You stared at the ceiling. Running your fingers through your hair.

"Of course, I've liked you for a really long time" he said, looking away from you.

You sat up and looked at him.
A sudden feeling rushed into your heart.
You pulled his head and faced him towards you, a surprised looking entering his face.
You smashed your lips against his, holding his head with both of your hands now.
He pulled you closer to him, and stuck his tongue in your mouth.

Your face suddenly felt hot.
You climbed ontop of him, sitting on his lap now.
He put his hands onto your waist.
You moved your face away from his, panting.

The both of you staring into each other's eyes.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that" you whispered.

"Stay with me tonight, please Eddie"

"What?" He titled his head, as you grabbed his head again, and touched his sweating forehead with yours.

"Stay here with me, and hold me all night, please" you whimpered, closing your eyes, kissing his lips softly.

He was right, your lips were as soft as he thought they would be.

"I'll stay with you as long as you want Y/N." he said wrapping his arms around you tighter.
The two of you layed down together, and held each other all night long.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now