A Start of a New Life

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The first dinner went..... well, not bad. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad. The Jeremy guy seemed like he didn't like me. I wouldn't blame him. I was giving everyone a grouchy tension in the air. Only my parents, Landon, and Jeremy felt it. Jeremy's parent were too busy to pay attention to me. They were overwhelmed with my mom bragging about her 'perfect family.'

Just cut the crap. We all know that our family will never be perfect. She would always be the bossy mom I had. I would always be the stubborn child she had. Dad will be the busy dad and Landon would be the brother pushing her little sister away, well lately he has been doing that to me.

For the first time in forever, I actually didn't want to go to school. I barely paid any attention in class. I didn't give a damn what my grades were. I don't study for any of the test or quiz because I don't see what was the point. The only reason we go to college because it help us in the future to find a job. Well, I don't think I need help because my mom has been doing that for me, if help is a right term to define what she is doing for me.

I'm probably going to be the heir of her business anyways so I don't really need to work hard to be hired in her business. It's amazing how money can do nowadays. It sickens me.

"So, what do you want to be in the future?" the lady pulled my attention away from my deep thought. I feel bad for not remembering her name.

I looked at my mom before I open my mouth to answer. We don't want to disappoint her now, do we? "I want to follow my mom's footsteps. I want to be a clothes designer just like her," I gave a fake nice smile.

"That's great of you. My son, who's running late right now, wants to be a businessman. He wants to inherit his grandpa's business when he finishes high school," the lady told me.

"Speaking of, there he is now," she mentioned and her eyes averted to the restaurant's main entrance.

A guy with blonde straight spiked hair walked towards us. He wore a white long sleeve collared shirt. You could barely see any wrinkle on it. His hair was properly fixed for the occasion. His jean was a really nice shade of grey. His shoes were polish and when he approached us and got closer, I had the chance to sniff his cologne. He smelled really good.

"Meet my really late son, Jordan," the lady laughs, emphasizing 'late.' The guy, Jordan, extended his arms to my parents then to Landon. He sat at the empty seat next to me. He gave me a warm smile before he opened his mouth.

"Hi, I'm Jordan," he held his hand out. "Nice to meet you."

I gave him my hands and he brought it up to his lips and gave it a peck. "I'm Lilian. Nice to meet you, too," I said.

"Where is your brother?" his mom asked.

"I'm sorry if he couldn't make it in time. His plane will be landing later on, tonight," Jordan apologizes.

"Oh, no worries. I'm sure we can schedule another dinner with him," my mom said next. There was something about this family that got my attention. Usually, I would probably drift off in my thoughts. They seem very peculiar. Jordan kind of reminded me of someone I knew back in Colorado. I just can't seem to figure out who it was. He looks like someone I have met in Colorado.

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