Center of Attention (Edited)

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"Landon!" I squealed in joy. It's already been a week since I left Southview and I already miss him and Kayla. Homesick already.

"Geez Lilian. Are you trying to make my ear fall off?" Landon replied back as I talked to him on the phone.

"Sorry. I just miss you guys," I giggled.

"I miss you too but I'm warning you about mom and dad. They hired someone to look for you," he informed me.

"Are you serious? I didn't know she was serious," I responded.

"Just be extra careful. Don't be the center of attention. Stay away from trouble, too. Anyways, has anyone recognized?"

"Yeah, a few but I tried to convince them otherwise."

"Do you need anything?" Landon asked.

"Oh, yeah, speaking of. Mom has cancelled all my credit cards!" I groaned. I can't live without shopping.

"Relax. Just tell me what you need," Landon asked.

"Well, I need to shop," I exclaimed.

"Ugh. How much do you need?" He asked in a sullen voice.

"5?" I asked, pushing it a bit.

"5 million? Are you crazy Lilian? If I made a transaction with that much, dad will get suspicious!"

"No, not 5 million, idiot. Just grands." Idiot he was. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have anything close to million in his account. He was a spender. See, ever since we were little, our parents have been giving us an allowance that will last us for a week. Back when we were around 8 to 11 years old, they would put about fifty bucks in there. Landon always spent it on his video games while I, at that time, wasn't aware of shopping yet, assuming that I didn't have to stop for myself as my mom already did for me.

And then, around 12 to our current age, they raised it up to a couple hundreds. Whenever we come home with our straight A's, well they spoiled us big time. I would have been broke because of shopping once I got to high school, but then again, I would show them my report guard and it's like shopping never even happened. This was also the time Landon and I switched roles. Now, he started to learn to be thrifty.

"Oh that's it? Okay sure," Landon nonchalantly said. I rolled my eyes though he could not see it.

"Yeah, that for a month," I said, slowly, just to push it a little more with him. Besides, he did owe me. His allowance would go empty before and he would borrow for me. Even if it was less of what I am asking for right now, he still owe me and plus, he was my brother. He was also the one that got me all the way here.

"Fine, is that all?" he groaned.

I still can't believe he was willing though. Back in Florida, he was always stingy too.

"And I also need a car?" I said but sounded like I was asking a question.

"A car? I'm already letting you borrow mine, the one that T drives you around with," Landon explained.

Spoiled, I was. Quite frankly, I am not afraid to admit it.

"I know. But I want to drive it but I suck at driving big vehicles. I can't drive an Armada. Send me a small one," I begged.

"Well, I can't send yours because they are all locked down but I guess I can send you one of mine."

"Yay thanks, Landy," I squealed.

"Alright, just stop calling me that. Bye," he hung up before I could even say my goodbye.

Now, what do I do with only a couple of bucks in my wallet? I don't actually have friends yet. So I don't have anyone to hang with. I have no homework because all my teachers decided not to give me anything because they said it was my first day. I just hope tomorrow will be different.

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