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So, ion know what to even say about this chapter. It's a lot.
Anyways, I'm giving a shout out to olufemidavies. I really enjoyed reading the previous chapter with you. It was an experience for sure😌❤️. Anyway, guysssssssssssssssss, enjoy your read🙃❤️🤝🏽.

 Anyway, guysssssssssssssssss, enjoy your read🙃❤️🤝🏽

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~2 - LASH OUT°


"I've made up my mind. Stay away from me!"


I got to the the building where the principal office was. It was called the disciplinary district.

Nobody liked being here.

I mean who wanted to get in trouble with the 'principal' of MELVILLE HIGH?

It was a storey building, painted in a very deep blue colour with 'DISCIPLINARY DISTRICT' boldly written on the walls.
There were also other things on the wall sha, but I was always concerned whenever I saw the word  'punishment!' on it.

I mean, it was the exclamation mark for me.

Nobody ever liked the principal. She was like a demon in disguise. Yes, she. She didn't care who you are, or what your condition is, or what your reasons for doing things are.

"Don't flaunt my rules!" I heard from where I was standing outside. I had totally forgotten that we were supposed to be in her office. God!

Wait! Did I just say we?
We... We... We...

I was coming here with precious right? Where did he go?
I turned around and saw him walking majestically, shinning those crystal white teeth at someone I couldn't see from where I was standing. But I was 70 percent sure it was a girl.

" What happened back there?" He had gotten to where I was and now he's asking questions? This guy seff.

" Back where?"
I was legit confused. What happened?  And back where? I mean, I remember precious coming to the hall and telling me the principal wanted to see all prefects in pairs and I walked here with him.

Why is he asking me weird questions?

"There, on our way here you legit started crying and then, five seconds later, you started running." What is this one saying?

"Are you okay?" I asked him genuinely concerned. Why was he being weird?
I haven't cried today. The last time I remember crying was last night. What on earth was wrong with precious this morning?

" Where are the rest of the prefects!" This woman was angry, omoh.
"Let's go, abeg." I said to precious and entered the building immediately.

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