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Happy new year!!!!!😭✨❤️. 

I sincerely apologize for the long waitttttttt! I'm so glad it's over😂.

I don't even have strength for stories. Just dive in. Oh and this chapter is unedited. Bear with me abeg😂❤️


"Little did I know that you were an angel sent to me in disguise..."


Deals, deals and more deals. Business has been going okay to say the least. I've been at every single late night party in Lagos since last month and I've been stacking up.

Kamsiyochukwu Kyson Ozor, throws a party on a Saturday night, and it seems like the entirety of Lagos' teenagers and young adults are here.

The overly big sitting room was now clogged with sweaty bodies that it felt so disgusting to even move around.

Glass after glass, sales after sales. That's how this party had been going for me.

I gulp down the remains of my vodka, dropping the glass on the table before me. Bobbing my head to Terminator by Asake, I take not of every single thing, every single person, even the littlest details that shouldn't catch my attention.

Like how a girl dancing at a far corner has a stain on the sleeves of her extremely short dress that was barely covering her enormous behind.


Two guys plopped down on the empty seats besides me, causing me to turn my attention towards them.

They look so alike, same caramel brown skin, same big round eyes, same pointed noses, same smile, same outfit, same everything. You could barely differentiate between them, except that the one sitting by my left hand a black mole on the left part of his upper lip. Anybody could tell they were twins.

"Wassup man," the one without a mole said, nodding his head at me in greeting.

I didn't respond.

I kept watching them as they conversed, laughed, pointed at influential teenagers and young adults.

I watched.

"Man, this party dope die," one of them spoke excitedly to his twin, the other one mirroring his expression.

"I saw that babe here seff," the other one replied.

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