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*Appears from smoke*

Hey😂🤭. I know you missed me🤭.

Well, this chapter should've come last week, because I already had this chapter outlined before the last update, but laziness is a bitch.

To think that I even started writing this last week Thursday 😂🤲🏽. E go sha be.

But Amarachi is a hottie😭. Are you not seeing? In the media above, man!😂

Please, always remember to vote at the end of zee chapters. Shanks comics😗 (magical language for thanks and goblez!)

 Happy birthday Didiiiiii. I love you so so muchhhh.

 Oya ooo. Dive in❤️.

~23 - DISGRACE!°

"Never knew this day would come. . ."


The entire classroom was noisy, rowdy, the boys at the back were talking not so subtly, loud laughs erupting from where they gathered at intervals, other classmates busy with other things, holding their friends and seat partners in deep conversations, smiling and giggling at some point too.

Only a few were paying attention to the teacher in front who was religiously still scribbling down a lot of things on the board. A few like Anjola, Moses...

She turned to face the class abruptly, her eyes holding so much anger, her lips tugged up in disgust, her brows furrowed as she glared at the students who hadn't even realized she had stopped talking a while ago.

"Shut up!" She screamed — squeaked — catching the attention of my classmates as their noise started to reduce to whispers and mumurs before it completely died down. Pin drop silence.

"What's your problem!?" She asked angrily, one hand on akimbo, and the other waving the marker in it round and round at us.

Mrs Grace, our physics teacher that we absolutely hate to our guts, due to the fact that she resumed a few days after our original physics teacher dropped the job.

She was short, very short. Some go as far as calling her a dwarf. She was slim, petite, and felt like being our teacher was reason enough to control us like some kind of puppets or toddlers in kindergarten.

"Tchhhhh!!" A loud hiss filled the classroom, having everybody turn their heads to the back of the classroom on direction of the sound.

"Get out of my class!" She spat at the light skinned afro headed kid and he stood up, casually shrugging before replying her with one word,


The whole class erupted with screams, shouts and hoots, banging on their tables in excitement as Idris strode out of the classroom, a bored expression marring his features, both hands buried deep in either of his pockets, as the guys tapped his back aggressively, hailing him.


"Na boss be that, abeg!"

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