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So yeah, were not doing chapter twenty just yet😌👍🏽. Actually, the last chapter was supposed to be a lot longer than that, but I dunno, I was just to tired to finish it😔.

Now I'm here to do that😗👍🏽✨

I couldn't update because of jamb😔 I've written it and I'm awaiting results. Keep praying 😔

So let's feed your curious minds😂💔

We'll start with Emeka's POV 😔
And btw, who missed Farhana?🌚

You didn't?😳

Well, she didn't miss you too🙂😒🙄. She's up in the media above😗

Anyways, enough of my tantrums. Let's dive right in😌💕. See you at the end of the chapter.

~19B -

"If I could change all that has happened, I would..."


I could barely keep my eyes open, my breathing hard, it felt like my breath was hitched.

He had me against the wall, his fist gripping my collar, choking me.

I felt my entire body throb immensely, my head banging like there was some person hitting it with a pestle from inside.

"I'm sorry, just let me go, please," I shamefully begged, holding up my folded hands, tears streaming down my face.

He smiled, raising the iron rod in his hands to my view, the corner of his lip quirked up in a Smirk.

I closed my eyes shut, awaiting the feel of the iron rod on my skin once more.

How do I explain this...

I could feel the pace of time slow down, adrenaline coursing through my veins, waiting patiently in excruciating fear.

My breath hitched. I found it difficult to breathe. I could feel my eyes burn with unshed tears.

How did I fall in deep shit?

And it did.

For the slightest moment, I felt the metal rod, cold against my skin, before it started to burn. Like someone was trying to set me on fire.

I couldn't recognize the scream that escaped my lips to be my voice.

Tears prickled down my cheeks as I crouched down to hug my knee to myself.

Even though it had been seconds after I got hit with the rod, I could feel the impact on my knee, like it was continually happening.

Bang after bang after bang against my knee.

My breathing was rasp. I could feel my heart thump against my ribcage. I could hear it even.

"Make him stand," he commanded, and immediately I felt two pairs of hands grab me by either arms, pulling me from my crouched position and holding me in place.

"How many times have I warned you?" The smirk dissipated and was quickly replaced by a very angry look, the veins in his head popping.

"I didn't know you were going to be there," I managed to speak.

We were in SS1 and I was new.

I suffered immense and intense bullying.

I was short, and had a face attacked by acne.

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