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Soooooo... drum roll, please😭😂❤️‼️

Your long wait is over, yeah? And this chapter is in another person's POV.

I'm so excited. u can't wait for y'all to read and blow up the comment section with your thoughts😂😂

Enjoy your read😙❤️‼️‼️

Enjoy your read😙❤️‼️‼️

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~4 - THE PARTY 1°

"The world Should revolve around me. Everybody should worship me. I'm the best, number one, regardless of my many flaws.
Yes, I am that important, worship me!"


I pulled up in front of the two storey mansion.
I sighed, here I am again!
I got out of my black Ford explorer and began walking to the main entrance, taking gentle and slow steps that It could be noticed that I was unhesitant to even go anywhere close to this mansion that stood before me.

Like time was running too fast, I got to the main entrance sooner than I had thought, sooner than I wanted to.

I opened the door and was blessed with deafening silence. Silence that killed me. Silence that destroyed me beyond repair, mentally drained me and-
Words couldn't describe what this silence did to me.

The entire house was pin drop silent. Even the smallest of sounds could be heard.

I walked straight to the kitchen. Loneliness already creeping in. God!

It had been Like this for as long as I can remember. The same phase all over and over again, threatening to mess with my sanity.

I got to the refrigerator, took deep breaths, calming breaths, assuring myself that I wasn't as bad as it all seemed. I needed a break. From all of this. This mental tension.

I rubbed my hands against my temple for a while, then opened the refrigerator. I brought out a chilled can of bullet and headed straight to the flight of stairs that led to my room.

I pushed the brown wooden door open and was greeted instantly by a picture of her. The same picture that had been there for years now. I walked straight to the other end of the room where the beautiful picture of her hugging 9 year old me so tightly, hung perfectly.

This picture was purposely placed in that position so that whenever I open the door, I feel a little lighter, a little more at peace.

"I miss you so much." My voice firm, yet I could feel hot tears starting to burn my eyes. " You don't understand how it is to be so close, but yet, so far away. Only if I didn't know better. It feels like you don't want me in your life anymore." My eyes became blurry. I was starting to shake, the veins in my head threatening to burst. My heart beat increasing and invisible knives piercing my heart with so much intensity.

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