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Yeah, late update. I’m sorry ☹️.

I don’t really have anything to say😗,so leggo.

Chapter’s Prêtty shabby🙂.

~16 - discoveries 𖦹

“Even I am allowed to have problems…”


My ears were almost starting to bleed, listening to those teachers spill gibberish out of their face holes and expecting every single person to somehow understand.

I mean there were some weirdos who could somehow decode all of that, and there were the rest of us, the normal kids.

School today gave me a serious migraine, had my head throbbing so hard that almost had me pulling my head out of its place.

I hated school.

Mondays were the worst, because apparently, they felt like we've had enough rest during weekends and decided to choke us with so much work.

I hummed softly as 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙮 𝙍𝙞𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 filled the car as I drove down the streets of lagos, busy as usual.

Cars all piled up on the roads in a hectic traffic jam, traders going about their daily businesses, school kids returning from school, you know...

I wasn’t long before I pulled up in the garage of the house, turning off the engine and getting out of the car.

My phone chinged in my hand causing me to look down at it.


ℎey babe, wanna hang?

I stared at the message, feeling a slight urge to just go ahead and block her everywhere. I mean, she’s been texting me for days and I haven’t sent back a single reply and she doesn’t read the ‘leave me the fuck alone’ message lingering in my silence.

Or she does, but chooses to ignore it.

Whatever the it is, it pisses me the hell off.

I tucked my phone away in my pocket and started walking towards the house. There was an eerie feeling lingering around, swimming in the air, but I couldn’t place a finger on it. Something felt wrong. Seriously wrong.

I walked into the siting room and was greeted by the usual silence and white walls.

Gone were those days when I’d be greeted by the aroma of my favorite delicacy, the sweet sound of my mother and sister’s laughter mixed together resounding through the entire house, a warm comforting hug and a kiss on my temple.

Gone were those days.

A wheezing sound was enough to drive me out of my dwam as I averted my gaze to where the sound came from.

I froze. Died. Shattered.

I felt my heart crumble with immense pain that almost brought tears to my eyes.

There she was, thinner than she had ever been, her skin flaky and dull, it had completely lost its glow, totally lost it’s color. she was there, by the foot of the stairs, lying with her back to the ceiling, her wheelchair turned upside down just on the second stair and I stopped myself from imagining what must have occurred.

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