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Just like I promised, I finally put the chapter together and here I am. 

Firstly, I apologize for going MIA, and it's because I've been reading for my UTME exams. My exam happens on Wednesday, and after that, I'll try to be as active as I can here on wattpad. It'll be updates after updates. But for now, send your prayers, your girl desperately needs them. 

To all of you that believed in me, Thank you.

To all me readers, I love you.❤️✨



I let out a sigh for the umpteenth time this morning, as I watched my friends; Anjola and Peace, clamor around, trying to get dressed.

It was Saturday, and also the first day of our extension classes. I was nervous, partially because the teachers were most likely going to be so grim, and mostly because somehow, I got paired with Austin Chika for the classes.

This meant that we would have to sit together, do assignments and practicals together, every Saturday. The worst part of it all, was that we were going to be scored together as a team and I honestly don't want to sound mocking but Austin is below average academically, and—God have mercy—I will be doing all the work for both of us.

The thought of it alone was frustrating, my head was starting to ache.

"This dress is nice, isn't it?" Peace asked, drawing me away from my thoughts.

The white with black flowery designed material that was made into a milkmaid maxi dress with long sleeves, hugged her frame perfectly, showing her subtle curves. She paired the dress with white Nike Air Jordans, a black bulb wig sitting prettily on her head.

"Wow," I whispered. "You look A-ma-zing!"

She responded with a wide grin, doing a 360. "I know right? It fits so perfectly!" She concurred, hands on akimbo as she turned her waist left and right, admiring her reflection on the full length mirror. "Now, lemme get my face all made up." She turned way from me, making her way to the vanity mirror.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my Instagram. Rita made a post; pictures of her with a few classmates, and damn, they all looked like they came for a party. Going all out with their outfit styles, hair and make up.

"Omoh, school is already filled up. We're late" I announced, my gaze never leaving my phone's screen.

"As long as classes have not started, I think we should be fine." Anjola responded. I glanced in her direction, only to find her still clad in her purple towel, her head poking out of the walk-in closet.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Ahbi o!" Peace butted in almost immediately. "It's not as if we're going to be doing anything serious. Today is the first day."

"Even though," I rolled my eyes. "Just hurry up."

The room fell into a very comfortable silence, afterwards. I went back to scrolling through my Instagram as I waited for my friends to get ready.

"I got Kenneth as my partner o!" Peace said after a moment of silence, turning away from the vanity mirror to face me. She was ready.

"Lmao, lucky you got paired with the head boy. I got paired with Austin Chika!" I almost cried.

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