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It's been a minute guys, hasn't it?ಥ‿ಥ

Welllll, I'm here.

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update. Stuffs have been happening, still happening.

So mehn, this might be the only update this month. Bear with me🥲.

I initially wasn't going to update this until I had prepared a triple update but omoh😂😂, that'll probably have been next year😭.

I'm sorry to have to keep y'all waiting for long long. Really


Thanks for your understanding o😭❤️.

Let's dive in.

~28 - BAD DAYS°




The sound of pages being flipped over filled the air, low whispers and murmurs that caused me to groan out loud at intervals, and footsteps could be heard from a distance.

The library was packed, as everybody tried to do their last revisions before the first paper of the day.

It was officially the third day of the fourth week since resumption, and the first day of our first tests.

I slouched slightly on the bench I sat on, biting on my pen, my eyes pinned on my jotter before me.

"I seriously don't understand why we have to write this test o," David murmured, tsking afterwards.

"Our seniors never wrote any school exams when they were in Ss3. E reach our turn, everything change." Precious said, the annoyance evident in his tone and features.

"Guy, I swear, I'm tired," Rita butted in, closing the textbook that was opened in front of her.

"Hey!" Peace shouted, earning a couple of 'shhhhhs' from the other students that were also trying to read. She rolled her eyes, letting out a groan.

"Why did you close the book?" She turned to Rita with a very fake, tight lipped smile, causing the latter to raise her hands in mock surrender.

"My bad," she apologized and peace hissed, eliciting a small chuckle from my lips.

"Let's bounce, jarey," Precious spoke again, slouching against the bench, letting out a long hiss.

"Y'all are making noise," I said for the first time since we got here.

"Oh, so you're not mute?" David mocked, raising his brows teasingly at me, causing my lips to spread out in a small smile.

"I've been waiting for you guys to stop talking so I can actually understand what I'm reading. Your noise and this math isn't a nice mix," I said, massaging my forehead with my fingers.

"I'm telling you," Anjola buttressed, drumming her fingers lightly on the table.

"I'm tired of this school," Rita cried out, burying her head in her palms. "All this math is giving me a serious headache."

"Just shhh," I told her, placing my left index on my lips before involuntarily rolling my eyes.

It was barely 7am, and the entire library was crowded. The Ss3s were scattered around in their respective cliques. Some actually reading their books, others excitedly scrolling through their Instagram and gossiping in hushed voices.

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