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Who's happy I'm here?🙂

Okay, I wanna quickly address the issue of voting before we move. Please please please 🥺, always tap on the orange start before you leave😔💕.

A star is that thing that has five pointy thingies. Please vote, it makes me happy.


And again, if you're not following my IG @toyo.writes, then you're missing all the good stuffs 😗❤️. And you don't want that, so follow up!🙂

So how was the last chapter?

It's as if y'all don't like talking to me biko. You go just read, disappear 😔.

It's alright...


Let's move.

~18 - where this ends°

"you hurt me everytime, apologize sometimes, but
You don't really care. . ."


The door creaked open, almost immediately after I rang the doorbell, revealing the dark curly headed kid.

He still had his school uniform on, looking tattered, eyes half shut, blinking slowly at a particular pace, a smile spread across his face as he used the door post to hold himself.


I stared at him, as a low chuckle escaped his lips.

What exactly is funny?

"Aren't you going to come in?" He asked, taking my hand in his, having light zings go through me, feeling my entirety freeze up before I was pulled in, the door shutting close behind us with a loud thud.

"What's up?" I just had to ask. "Are you okay?" I prodded when it seemed like I wasn't going to get an answer.

There was silence for a while.

Not comfortable, not uncomfortable, just there. . . Silence.

"I'm okay," I knew he was lying.

"Why would you think I'm not?" He asked after a little pause.

"You're drunk," I replied, my voice coming out almost as a whisper as I caught a glimpse of the almost empty bottle of whiskey on the table in the living room.

Side stepping him to head there, picking up the bottle and scruntinizing it.

"Can you stop doing that?" He moved to where I was, pulling the bottle out if my hands and throwing it away somewhere in the room.

The sound of shattering glass had me covering my ears with both hands, as silent screams escaped my lips.

"Come here," he had his hands spread wide open, silently asking for a hug, waiting for me to walk into his embrace.

But I didn't.

I didn't as memories from 'the last time' started to come back...

He walked to me instead, pulling me into a hug, pushing me closer to him, pressing himself against me.

~TRAPPED° Where stories live. Discover now