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Hey heyyyy!🤩💕  

Sorry for the long wait. I'm here🤭. 

Firstly Trapped is one year old😭🔥. My baby clocked one year on the first of June, and this update was supposed to come then, but I had exams on that day, and the day after😂🤲🏽. I'm free today, so I said "why not?" And here I am now😗. 

Those of you that have been waiting impatiently for Austin's POV, it's finally here😂💕. 

Secondly, I want to apologize for the terribly unedited last chapter😔🤲🏽. I wrote it in the night, so I was dozing off while writing. I even cringed reading it myself. I'm so sorry😔🤲🏽. It's properly edited now✨.

And wasn't Austin being too nice in the previous chapter? Well😂, let's see.

~21 - DOINGS°


She wasn't joking when she said her stomach was crying for food. She meant every single word. I watched as she continued to impatiently stuff huge chunks of food in her mouth, humming in pleasure and satisfaction at intervals, causing people to glance our way occasionally.

It was like she had completely forgotten she is a public figure, not giving two flying elephants about what was happening around her as she was devoted to the burgers she was brutally murdering.

She gulped down her pineapple juice all at once, a burp escaping her mouth.

Her eyes grew wide on instant, staring at me, embarrassment visible in them. I just stared back, uninterested, before going back to my phone.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered. I hummed lowly, not bothering to look back up at her. I was extremely busy right now.


Where are you right now?

It was the way she always felt like she was entitled to me that always makes me feel sorry for her. Poor thing.


Nowhere that concerns you. What's up?



So now I can't ask after you again?

She was at it again! Urgh! She irritates the fucking hell out of me and damn! I hate her so much.


Please stop it! Get straight to it! What tf do you want?🤨


🥴you know me so well! I just miss you!

Come over?

Feeling my head starting to slightly ache, I rub my fingers against my temples

Should I go?

Sighing, I started typing my reply but another message from her had me reconsidering my answer.



We'll do whatever you want. I'll let you do whatever. You get to decide.

I clear out my previous reply and start typing in a new one.


Fine. I'll see you in a bit, okay?

~TRAPPED° Where stories live. Discover now