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Boom! I'm here😂💞.

Well, happy new year, new month, and of course, happy thirtieth chapter!!! Whooosh!

Alright, so this chapter should have come wayyyy earlier but I had quite a few challenges writing some sciences that I hope I executed well. Sorry for the long wait, I'll work on an update schedule this year fr✨. 

Thank you for the support mehn, 4k reads already✨✨❤️

Dive in, shall we?😌✨  



I stepped out of the car almost immediately after killing its engine, the cool evening breeze brushing against my skin in a light caress. 

The dark sky was covered by thick clouds, streaks of lightening gleaming in them as thunder cackled, the sound echoing in the empty, dark street.

I shrugged on my leather jacket, retrieving a cigar stick and a lighter from its pockets. I placed the stick in between my lips, lighting it before taking a long drag.

My nerves automatically relaxed at the action. I let out a short, satisfactory sigh,  causing an overlay of smoke to cloak my face, robbing me of my vision for a few seconds.

I threw the stick down, crushing it underneath the sole of my shoe as I fish my phone from one of the numerous pockets of my cargo pants. I send a text to inform them of my arrival. 

My phone beeped almost immediately after I had texted and I involuntarily tightened my hold on my phone when I saw the ID display that it was a text from Sniper, telling me to chill out. I couldn't. My phone beeped again, and this time his message read, "Turn around." 

I did. I turned around to meet five guys, all dressed in black with balaclavas worn over their heads. Well, except for sniper, who had a scarf wrapped around his neck, covering the bottom half of his face, and white rimmed dark shades, perched on the bridge of his nose.

"Well, look who finally decided to return to the brotherhood," he spoke, his thick baritone voice, echoing on the vast space before a small chuckle eluded his lips. But the sound disappeared as quickly as it was heard.

He took a few steps towards me, his hands tucked away in the pockets of his black cargo pants. "Tell us, Ikenna, what brings you home again?"

"It's Austin," I deadpan, taking a step forward.

"Chill out," he raised his hands in lock surrender, before adding, "Ikenna."

Of course the bastard was going to push me to react, then have me beaten up by the guys he brought along. Which would be impossible, anyway. 

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