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I don land.🤡 Sorry for the long wait though.😶

So... Let's go, shall we?😌



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It's just anger, nothing serious.


The faint sound of the bell from the senior block was enough to make me look up from the book I was engrossed in. I mean, we were in our final year of secondary school and external examinations were fast approaching so, after that yeye woman chased me out of her class, I decided to come to the library since I was the library prefect for the science department and had the keys to the main library and the science section.

Glancing at the wall clock, it read: 10.01 Am, meaning it was time for the first break of the day. I left for the cafeteria and didn't bother going back to the class because I know Toyo and Anjola would already be on their way there.

God! It was such a long walk. I mean, I was coming from the library so I had to  go past the senior block, junior block, school's clinic and junior cafe before getting to the seniors cafeteria. I legit spent eight minutes walking there. How did the architect not consider the students?

I pushed open the glass doors and instantly sighted Anjola sitting at our usual spot, smiling at something in her phone.

"Hey," I said as I occupied one of the two empty seats. I assumed she didn't hear my the first time so I spoke again. "Hey Anjo–" I hadn't completed my statement and was cut off by a low chuckle from her lips and a small smile found its way to my lips. "This one that you're smiling like this, who are you chatting with, ehn?" I asked but didn't get a reply.

Okayyyyyy. So, it's either she's so engrossed in whatever she's doing on her phone, or she's just flat out ignoring me and I feel like it's the latter because she cannot be turn deaf just like that na.

"Anjola, I've been talking to you," I stated the obvious and she dropped her phone on the table, almost doubling over in laughter. Ahan! Then, she took a sip from her bottle of Fanta before picking up her phone and continued scrolling through it.

Anjola is ignoring me? Mad o!

"Doye, why have you been ignoring me?" I asked and she looked up from her phone, meeting my gaze with an expression I couldn't read, eyebrow raised up as if to ask, 'what do you want?'

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