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Look who's back with chapter twenny of your favorite book🤭🔥. Yurr, that's me.🌚

Who missed me?😗

Who didn't?🙂

Well, first off, I wanna say a very big thank yewww to everybody that has been supporting me, right from the very start ⭐️ 💕. I honestly have no words😔🤲🏽. The thought that I'd have so much support despite of the late and slow updates is just overwhelming. We hit 2k reads and I can't explain the excitement I feel. Thank you guys so muchhhhhh ❤️✨. Y'all are the real MVPs🤭🤩🔥.

Happy children's dayyyy!!!!🥺💕✨
Sorry, for the late update. Omoh e choke but God pass them 🤲🏾😔.

I hope we're all doing well?😗

Now, to the business of the day🤭.

Who missed Toyo baby?😗  who missed Austin?🤩

Well, those of you that were asking for Austin's POV, this is definitely not the moment you've been waiting for, or is it?😂

Well, we'll see🤭.

Oh, and if you're not following my IG account, there's a big problem 😔. I plan to uploading a teaser video before the next chapter and you don't wanna miss it. So run to IG and follow up @toyo.writes😗💕.

Oya dive in 🌚



It's been one hell of a day. School is literally the most draining and exciting place to be, if you get what I mean.

Today's Friday and the thought of having to be stuck at home the entire weekend didn't settle well with me.

I could literally feel my head bang just thinking about it.

Oh well, let's talk about school.

Well, Fridays are usually the best days of the week, asides the morning classes that last for only three hours. After that, we go for our lunch break and it's all extracurricular activities.

And everything was going smooth and okay, and I was really doing okay, until Emeka decided to follow me around for most of the time, saying he just wants five minutes of my time. I got tired, turned around and told him I'd give him all the time he wants from me if he'd answer just one question and he replied, "I'll answer any question, I swear, just hear me out for five minutes."

What does this guy take me for actually? Didn't he realize that he can not decide who gets to listen to who first? At least not anymore.

I felt anger course through my entire being, mixing with my blood and almost burning my skin from the inside.

"No!" I screamed, ignoring the fact that we were standing in the hallways and had a good number of eyes staring in our direction.

"You, listen to me for two fucking seconds, Emeka!" My voice sounded croaked, as a result of crying to sleep every single damn night since that one evening when he...

The remaining of that thought was blocked out when I felt his fingers grace the skin of my arm, causing me to flinch and move two steps away from him on reflex.

"Don't you ever touch me again," I spoke weakly, a lone tear falling down my cheek.

I met his gaze, then my eyes, like they had a mind of their own, slowly moved to his lips, long enough to notice he had a bruise on both corners, then down to take in his appearance. He had the exact same T-shirt I had on. The exact same T-shirt every everybody had on.

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