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Heyyyyyyy, just as promised😗. Your long wait has ended because the next chapter is here🤩.

Sorry this dragged on for too long. Life happened to me😭😂, but I'm alive so here I am. Again.

Who missed Austin!?

I know I did😭 even though I spent the last two weeks writing about him😂. I really hope this is worth it.

I kinda feel like I didn't do justice to this chapter, but here goes nothing.

Enjoy ✨❤️.

Oh and Dedun_Herself, _oleev_ and _atangemem_, I love you guysssssss so much. Thank you so much for the love and support 😭❤️✨. It means a whole lot✨

~26 - OUR FIRST 


The last thing I needed right now was someone hovering around me, intruding my personal space.

I walked into the restroom, slamming the door against its frame in a loud thud, the sound resonating through the room, followed by a loud shriek. I ignored the sound, walking to one of the sinks. I gripped the rims tightly, bowing my head and letting my my eyes flutter close.


No voices murmuring and rumbling in my head, just silence.

I heaved a sigh of relief, opening my eyes and darting them to the mirror before me.

I took me a while to realize that it was my reflection staring right back at me. I looked entirely different, strange. I batted my eyelids a number of times, hoping it was all just an illusion and everything was going to go back to normal, but it didn't.

"Shit!" I cussed under my breath.

Red bloodshot swollen eyes stared back at me, looking like they could fall off any second, my skin a pale shade of red.

This is bad.

I turned on the water, washing my face and drying it with a paper towel. It changed nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Austin?" Her voice was low, almost a whisper, the doubt in her tone clear as day.

The sound of her voice was followed by the creaking of the door. Anybody could tell it was being opened slowly, cautiously.

I turned around to see her head poking through the small arc she had created in the entryway, eyes wandering through the bathroom, probably trying to check if I was the only one there.

"You know this is the male's restroom, don't you?" I spoke and her head was whipped in my direction at once.

I saw her let out a breath before finally entering the restroom, shutting the door silently behind her.

"I know, Austin," she replied with a casual roll of her eyes, her voice dripping sarcasm.

"I don't think you understand," I shook my head slowly, feeling the haziness start to set in.

"I do," she debunked, moving closer until she was three feet away. "I understand that we could get severely punished if we were to be caught in here, alone, together. I understand that I could have my badge snatched and we could get suspended, or possibly expelled. I know that, Austin, I do," she explained, all in one breath.

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