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I'm sorrrryyyyyyyyyy😭😭😭
I'm really sorry I went Mia on you guys and I really can't say why 'cause it's quite personal but, I promise to make up for it.🤧

So I think I am ready for an update schedule. So I'll begin with one update every week, probably Wednesdays, then if I'm not busy like that again I'll move to two updates weekly, okay?

And yes, a very big thank you to for over five hundred reads and a hundred votes😭😭❤️. It means a whole lot🤧❤️.

It's been over three months since I started this book and we're just at chapter seven and I'm not happy with the pace that's the whole reason I'm so keen on this update schedule. Though I've been busy and lazy😑 sha. But sha sha everything sha.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn🙂. So, I know everyone is curious to know why Anjola passed put in the previous chapter. Well... *Sighs* I'm also curious. But we'll get there, yeah?

For those of you that have been paying close attention, in chapter four, David's POV, the chapter ended with "just then,we heard glass shatter", right? Even in the last chapter glass shattering ended the chapter. I know you're curious to know what's supping.😂

Now I'm this chapter, we're going to know why glass shattered🤡.

And ehen, we're still on day one😂 and so much has happened, makes me wonder how many things go happen by the time we're done with this book. Omoh, things are about to go down😂.

New cover by TreKonsi
She makes covers at affordable prices o and baby girl is good at what she does😉✨.

So new POV, yeah?

So new POV, yeah?Leggo😌❤️✨

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~7 - THE PARTY 2°


"I could fuck with anyone so bad, and no-fucking-body could do shit about it."





Human beings.

I hated them all. Absolutely despised them.

But I just had to be here. I had business here.

"Hey Austin," I didn't bother looking up from my phone, maybe, just maybe she would get the message and disappear but, I was wrong as usual.

~TRAPPED° Where stories live. Discover now