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Good morning ✨💕. Sorry for the long wait,  here you go✨

I was going to do a double update but then I realized you'll have to wait an eternity for that😂😭 .

Who missed Toyo's mother?😃



The drive back home wasn't smooth. It wasn't calming, it was nothing like a normal drive in the evenings, having the cool breeze, touch you softly, gently, whispering in your ears, causing your nerves to relax, your eyes falling shut as you enjoyed the serenity that it brings.

Instead, I felt my heart race, so fast I was sure my rib cage would burst open any second. My palms became sweaty, sweat forming beads across my forehead even though the AC was on and working. It felt like we were in pursuit.

You know when robbers steal from a bank and they have a whole lot of police cars chasing after them with intense speed? Of course you know. Haven't we all seen these in movies?

That was exactly how I felt. Except we were the robbers, and there were no police cars chasing behind us. Instead, we were driving straight to the police station to maybe turn ourselves in.

"Are you sure you're okay?" The look of worry that marred his face almost had me chuckling. He looked like he was about to cry.

He didn't turn his head in my direction at all. Not once since he hit the road after picking her up at the parking lot of Yummy Delights.

I had frantically dialed David's number, and he wasn't picking up. I was scared, it was getting dark and I was all alone in a place I knew nothing of, where I had never been before and I decide to follow a stranger there, only to get stranded.

I am indeed foolish.

"You sure are," my subconscious was quick to agree.

"Toyo?" He called my name, louder this time and I involuntarily hummed in response, causing him to turn his head towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, probing softly with his eyes, before looking back ahead. He needed to focus on the road, his hand on the wheel moving swiftly in small arcs.

Was I okay? Well, I knew he was most definitely referring to the Austin situation, and honestly, I couldn't care less. But yeah, I asides that, I was far from okay.

I took another quick glance at my wristwatch, it read seventeen minutes past ten. I closed my eyes, feeling chills go through me, goosebumps sprouting on my skin.


"Hmm?" He prodded when I failed to gives response.

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me before replying, "yes, I think I'm fine, Precious."

He gave me a look that showed that he didn't believe me, but he chose to keep shut.

Apparently, David was out with Amaka, and wasn't going to leave his date to come and find me.

Quite understandable. Very understandable, in fact.

So, instead he got Precious to come pick me up. And I really appreciate his presence because that parking lot was as scary as hell.

Damn, I couldn't. It had this very scary quietness, an eerie feeling lingering in the air that made my heart skip multiple beats. It felt like I was being watched, it unsettled me. I didn't feel safe. I was scared to hell and back, turning around continuously to make sure someone wasn't coming at me from behind.

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