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Hi guys, its been a minute, hasn't it? well, guess who's here again with another chapter of your favorite book? ikr, it's meeeeeeeeeeeee. 

so guys, I've been in a slump, that's why updates haven't been popping up in y'all's notifications, but hopefully, I'm fighting it. ANYWHO, what are your thoughts on the previous chapters? 27 & 28 precisely.

"When did things change between us?..."



The tests surely went smoothly, too smoothly even. I barely did any revisions and I know I aced.

The entire school had become so rowdy as students hung around everywhere in and out of the blocks, their noise threatening to bleed my ears. Ugh.

I've been looking around for Austin, I hadn't seen him in a while. I know he's in school because I could swear that I perceived his cologne this morning. But, he has been ignoring me. All my messages sitting in his dm with glaring blue ticks, and without a single reply.

I had called him a lot of times too, two hundred and seventy three times precisely, but they were all ignored. I figured the only way I'd get to talk to him was in school, physically.

And he appeared in front of me, causing me to halt my steps. He had a look of frustration etched across his face as he focused all his attention on the phone in his hand, as he walked of of the senior block, murmuring something to himself.

He was walking directly towards me, and I made no attempt to move out of his way.

He got closer, and I noticed that his curls were now hanging over his face, in dire need of a haircut. I liked the look on him, though.

"Not even a single call," I heard him mutter in frustration and a light wave of anger washes over me.

Whose call is he expecting? After deliberately ignoring mine?

"Audsley pisses me off every sing—" he bumped into me, the contact cutting the rest of his sentence short, and causing me to stumble two steps back.

He's bored, uninterested gaze meets mine, and his brows quirked up in... confusion? Question? I wasn't really sure. When I noticed he wasn't going to actually use his words, I sighed, fighting the urge to roll my eyes before speaking.

"Who's Audsley?" I ask, narrowing in my gaze on him, folding my arms across my chest.

"How many times do I get to tell you this?" I replied with a question of his own, causing my brows to furrow in confusion, my arms dropping to my sides.

"Tell me what?"

"That you don't get to ask me questions. Stop trying to act like you're important in my life," he spoke in an oddly calm an collected voice, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly like he didn't just shoot bullets at my chest.


"You can't talk to me like that," I raised my voice slightly, jabbing my index in his chest, his gaze following it's every movement, before moving back up to peer into my eyes.

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