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I sincerely apologise for any form of shabbiness in the chapter🤡. I kind of rushed it 'cause I really wanted to update today😫😫
I have nothing else to say actually😂 so without further ado, let's muuuve😎

Shall we?☺️💞✨


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“ fuck!”


After all that went down, what else did I expect? That Omoniyi would give me a pat on the back and kiss my forehead after ruining the entire party by almost murdering someone's child in cold blood? Of course not.

It was a matter of seconds before everybody rushed upstairs, catching me red handed with a half broken bottle in hand and Jerry lying in a pool of blood and tiny glass pieces. Not that I was going to flee the scene anyway.

"Shebi you want to know what he thinks he is?"

"Better shut up before them break your own head."

I was totally satisfied to prove to these people that I wasn't to be messed with and that if any dares messes with ME, I would fuck them up so bad that they'd remember in their next five lives to come.

And only a matter of minutes before men and women dressed in white rushed upstairs with a big white box with a red Cross on it, tending to Jerry's wounds.

I was here sitting in the office of the DPO of the police department for the Lekki police station, on the edge of my seat as I awaited his arrival.

And as two hefty men dressed in black trooped into the room, I know he was already here.




He walked into here in all his glory, each footstep echoing as result of the silence that came from God knows where. Andrew Eze Chika, my father.

Settling down on the chair beside me, the DPO bowed his head in greeting and he raised his right hand as a sign of acknowledgement. Crazy tinz.

"Sir, your son was-" he had barely begun when he was cut off by my father's right hand in the hair again but, this time asking for silence. E shock you?

"Would this be enough?" And he didn't have to do anything before one of the body guards stepped forward, dropped a black suitcase on the table, opening it and revealing it's content. "One million naira." He said and the DPO just sat there staring at the suitcase before him. "I think this is where I take my leave. Ikenna?" And I didn't need anyone to spell it out for me. I stood up and walked behind my father as we were accompanied by the hefty body guards walking patiently behind us.

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