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Heyyyyyyy! Sorry for the long wait, I'm here!

I really want to say a big thank you for three thousand reads, it means a whole lot fr❤️. God bless you as you continue to read, vote, comment, and spread the word❤️✨.

Thank youuu  for the book cover!! I love youuuuu❤️. My support system😭❤️.

Oya enjoyyy🤸🏽‍♀️💕✨

"I can't decide what I want..."


The sound of my Samsung ringing continuously, made me want to smash it against the wall, shatter it into pieces.

"Urgh!" I let out a frustrated groan, running my fingers through my hair, digging my nails in my scalp.

It's been a rush of emotions for days now, sometimes I just wanted to cry my eyes out, other times, I just wanted to tear the house apart, and most times, I just wanted to do both.

"Shut the hell up!" I screamed at the damned gadget, picking up my pillow and hitting it aggressively. "Quiet!" I shouted with everything in me, my voice breaking off, leaving a sharp sting in my throat, causing me to cough out.

"You better don't kill yourself," my best friend spoke nonchalantly, not taking her eyes of her phone for a second.

"Babes, it's just a call," she finally looked at me, standing up from the sofa she was sitting on, walking towards where I knelt on the bed. "If you don't want to pick the call, you could shut it off. You know that, right?" She said, plopping down on the bed, folding one leg underneath her, the other dropping to the ground.

"But I-I dunno if I don't want to pick the call," I spoke, my lips forming a pout and she chuckled, shaking her head slightly.

"I thought we already spoke about this?" she cocked a brow at me, her voice holding so much seriousness as she peered at me.

"We did," I replied lowly, averting my gaze from hers and darting it to the ground.

She let out a short sigh before taking my hands in hers, "I understand you, I totally do," she wore a small smile, bobbing her head to the side. "But..." she trailed off, shutting her eyes close. She sighed again.

"But, it might not be worth it," I repeated the exact same thing she told me the other day, and she nodded in affirmation.

"And this is the first time since junior school that you actually feel like this for someone, so, I don't want to to make wrong choices and get yourself hurt," she used her thumbs to draw soothing circles at the back of my palm, beaming a smile at me.

The phone started to ring again and I picked it up, staring at the caller ID.

I turned to look at Brie, and she stared back at me with an expressionless face.

I picked up the phone, tapping on the green icon, accepting the call and raising it to my left ear.

"Jeez! Finally! I have-" he was rapping out in one breath when I cut him off.

"What do you want?" My tone was low, but dangerously cold. Somehow the anger could be clearly heard, and I didn't even have to raise my voice at all.

He let out a sigh, saying nothing else.

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