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'Did you ever date anyone in school?' Granger asked.

'One time. And I regretted it.' Hetty replied.

'How so?'

'It started like this: This brown haired guy, who was not much taller then me, Came up to me one day and said he liked me and wanted to go out with me. I was really surprised. I waited 1 day to decide, and in the end, I figured 1 date couldn't hurt. So we went out.

1 date turned into 2, which eventually turned into a 3rd. And, I was starting to really like the guy. Until 1 day, I caught him saying offensive things about short people. I told him I couldn't go out with him anymore if he was going to be like that. He apologized, and wanted to make it up to me. He planned a really big date for us 2 nights later. I waited for 2 hours for him to show up, but he never did, I thought I had been stood up. I later found out he was involved in a awful car crash that almost left him paralyized.' Hetty said.

'That's awful. Did he recover?'

'Eventually. But, his parents blamed me for the accident, and he foolishly believed their lies about me 'seducing him', which was outrageous because I never had plans to date him until HE came up to me and asked if I would go on a date with him! And as you can guess, we never dated again.'

'I guess that's 1 of your many reasons why you have trust issues about guys.' Granger said.

'Indeed. Luckily (smiling), someone kind enough broke through those trust issues and let me see that not every man is terrible!'

'Huh? There's another guy in your life like me? Where is he?'

Hetty laughed. 'Nice one there!'

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