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By 6pm, she was walking through the woods, she knew what she needed, where to get it from and she knew the person she needed to get it from would be there. She walked with ease, she'd done the route about a dozen times before, Chrissy Cunningham was walking back, looking alarmed. "Chrissy ?" she asked confused as the girl fake smiled at her. "He's, he's still there. Don't worry, you didn't miss him" she said just trying to get out as Delilah stopped. "Did he do something to you ?" she asked, worried for the girls well-being as Chrissy shook her head. "God no" she said before running the rest of the way back. Delilah believed her, Chrissy was the queen of Hawkins High, she just wasn't used to drug deals in the woods.

Eddie was sitting on the picnic bench he'd usually be at so she walked over and took a seat opposite him.
She looked beyond drained, her eyes had no life to them and she was staring at her hands. "I knew you'd come back, you always do. We're like two magnets-" he began before realising he wasn't getting a laugh out of her, nodded and opened his all-too familiar metal lunchbox that definitely wasn't filled with food. "Tough crowd today huh ? What are we doing ? The usual ? Half an ounce for twenty" he asked as she shook her head. "An ounce" she said blankly as his eyes widened. "That's not like you, what's going on ?" he asked concerned as she stayed silent so he began putting a bag together. "You obviously want to forget about something for a little while. Is it Harrington ?" he asked as she looked at him for the first time. "Do you really think I'm a freak ?" she asked as the boy sighed.

"You want to have this conversation ? Alright. I never said freak, I said you were one of us because you are. It's wrong to say you're not...one of us. You dealt with shit in High School, you dealt with Harrington and his friends bullying you, you were looked at as an outcast like us, like that girl who runs around after you, the one from the band. You probably screamed into your pillow at night more than any of us. Your problem in life Del was you liked the asshole, you wanted to be one of the assholes. Sure, we all craved that popularity but not the way you did. You'd sit in the cafeteria when that Hargrove guy was giving you the eye and you'd ignore it and list of all of these facts about Steve, dumb stupid facts. A bacon, egg and cheese bagel on a sesame bun, he got an F in Math today, he hates Math, you never hear him talk about his parents, maybe that's why he's such an asshole. I've never heard you justify Carol's shit like that. I used to hate it, I'd lie in bed at night and I'd always ask myself, why doesn't she have a Munson Monumental Fact File in her head ? But hey, you got the guy in the end. I just didn't want you to be too disconnected from reality. You are what you are Delilah, the cracks do eventually show" he explained before slipping the bag to her as she stared blankly at him, he'd shocked her.

"So why has your usual prescription been upped ?" he asked as she sighed, he'd find out regardless. "Do you know what it's like to see the person you love dating other people ?" she asked as the boy threw himself off the bench so he was on the ground then got up with his hand to his heart. "I do, have you not been listening ?" he asked as she shook her head. "I stopped once I wasn't hearing what I wanted to hear" she said honestly as he laughed. "I have experienced it. With you, actually. I guess that's why I was a little assholey in my monologue there. You want the truth ? You're not a freak, you're the girl people painted with the same brush as the rest of us. The one who finally got the validation she so desperately craved. The girl who got the guy she'd been pining over since the day I met her. The girl who'd never end up with me and I guess my big mean self was just jealous" he said honestly as she pushed 40 dollars towards him.

He took a twenty and pushed the other twenty towards her. "No take the 40" she protested as she shook her head. "Steve's the tip of the ice-berg Del, I just know it, it's my psychic powers. Treat it as emotional compensation" he said softly as she furrowed her eyebrows. "For ?" she asked as he sighed. "For dealing with all the shit you did through school and still signing yourself up for another year of it. Commendable" he said as she stood up with a smile. "You coming to HellFire tomorrow ? Did the boobs convince you ?" he asked as she laughed. "When hell freezes over" she replied as he laughed with her. "Cursing my movement now. That's not good. We'll recruit you one day, my dying wish, to play D&D with Delilah Henderson" he said with his hand to his heart as he began packing up his supplies. "Graduate this year Eddie, get your diploma" she joked as he smiled back. "Only if your next to me Delilah" he joked back as she rolled her eyes and began her walk back through the woods. She felt a sudden pressure followed by immense pain in her head once she reached the end. She knew it was probably just the weight of the day. Once she got out of the woods Robin was standing at the end of them, she frightened her.

"I knew I'd find you here" Robin taunted before wrapping her arm around the girl. "No you didn't" she said back as Robin laughed and they began walking. "I did. A hard day recounted to me by Dustin always led you to buying the devils lettuce in these very woods" Robin said honestly as Delilah pulled out her freshly bought bag. "I'm sorry about the car earlier. I just wasn't expecting you two not to be together" she said as the curly haired girl sighed. "I didn't tell you, my fault" she said through a nod. "Not your fault at all. I won't pry, I did enough of that this morning but I am here for you. Are you coming to Lucas's game tomorrow to watch me in band or did Eddie finally recruit you ?" she asked as Delilah sighed. "Always there to support you" she said half-joking, half serious.

"What do you even find to talk about with him ?"

"I'm having a problem with Vickie, I know exactly what I want to say but I word vomit all over her" Robin finally said once they got back into civilisation. "Ice-cream ?" Delilah asked as the girl happily nodded and linked her arm. They had a lot to dissect.

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