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"Erica, do you copy ?" Robin said in a low volume while Dustin pulled his sister off the ledge she was sitting on, forced her to sit between him and Steve and then pulled out his binoculars to examine the scene ahead of him. "Mhmm, I copy. You nerds in position or what ?" the younger girl asked as Robin confirmed that they were in position, the coast was clear from where they were standing then she gave Erica the green light to go in.

"Green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment" the girl said causing the curly haired girl to burst into laughter. "She's hilarious" she said as Robin shook her head disapprovingly. "Can we maybe not call it that ?" she asked obviously feeling guilty and uncomfortable that Erica was referring to this favour as "child endangerment". "See you on the other side. Nerds" the girl said and just like that, she was in. "Shit booby traps. Did we brief her on those ? Our asses are grass if she dies in there" Delilah said panicked as Dustin sighed. "Already went over it with her, technically she went over it with us" he explained as the girl nodded, they were covered.

"Robin, you're a genius. It would be taken these two idiots twice as long because they wouldn't have even thought of going to the Recorders office" she said as Steve looked at her, offended . "Like you would've thought of it" he said as she mimicked him. "I'm there" the girl said startling them since it had only be a few seconds. "Do you- do you see anything ?" Robin asked. "Yeah I see those boring boxes you're so excited about" the girl said dryly making the Henderson girl excited. "Any guards ?" Delilah asked. "Negative" the child said. "Booby traps ?" Robin added. "If I could see them. They'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they ?" she said, annoyed. Delilah and Steve's heads nearly snapped to look at each-other, they couldn't believe the child had said the word "shit" but then remembered, they'd definitely said a lot worse.

"Thank you for that" Robin said sarcastically and the remaining four went to be let into the building. "Oh god" Steve said with his head in his hands as they began getting closer. A mix of adrenaline and nerves hit Delilah like a tonne of bricks, anything could happen to them in the storage unit and her main priority the whole time had to be to keep Dustin safe, he was her only brother in the whole entire world, they needed each-other. "I'll say this once and I need you to listen. Whatever happens in there, you stay near me" she said to her brother who looked at her confused. "Oh, like you give a shit ?" he said sarcastically, thinking she'd mess around with him like she usually did but the cold, serious glare she was giving him told him all he needed to know, she was afraid. "Fine okay, I got it. Whatever happens, stay near you" he said as the door finally opened and the child walked out in her protective gear. "Free ice cream. For. Life" she demanded as Robin and Delilah looked at each-other and couldn't help but smile. "Anything you say" they shouted back before following her into the unit.

"Holy fuck, alright, can everyone like be careful ? These Russians are twelve steps ahead of us" Delilah announced because the second they walked in everyone went their separate ways to explore. Steve walked straight over to the boxes, he brought a knife with him for cutting them open so sliced it open. It revealed a smaller but deadly metal box. It needed to be turned to find out it's purpose which meant it would probably activate whatever was in it. Steve looked at the other four before nodding and turning it. Anything could spring out of this box. Delilah was starting to panic. Air started hissing once Steve removed the lid and inside revealed four more wheels that needed to be turned again, to reveal their purpose. "This is like one of those movies. Choose wisely, it could lead to your death" Delilah said, spiralling. Robin noticed, wrapped an arm around her and reassured her that everything would be okay. "Definitely not Chinese food" Steve joked as Delilah smiled. "Oh, how I wish it fucking was" she whispered, again, panicking which again, Robin noticed and hugged her even tighter. The girl was wearing her usual tank top and shorts combo so the goosebumps forming all over her body and Robin, being the amazing friend she was was trying to calm her down.

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