CHAPTER 2: Trip To New York

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I was currently grappling over the city to Cypher's place to drop off some of the gear I managed to swipe from Shivpuri's warehouse. I wouldn't consider Cypher a friend of mine but more like a work colleague, he was basically like my own personal Lucius Fox but less like a sophisticated middle aged gentleman with a degree in engineering and chemistry but more like a post MIT graduate who missed his first day at the Stark Internship because he had a hangover and later joined a biker gang. We had an agreement that he would build my gear for me as long as I brought him a few of my findings while on missions for his own "special projects", I really don't wanna know what the guy is doing with all the stuff.

I leaped across the final rooftop in my way and used the fire escape to climb down into Cypher's apartment that he had converted into a lab and climbed in through the window.

He didn't appear to be in the room but I knew he was home as his monitors were still turned on, I then heard the shower running and assumed that he was currently taking a shower

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He didn't appear to be in the room but I knew he was home as his monitors were still turned on, I then heard the shower running and assumed that he was currently taking a shower. Normally I would have just dropped off the stuff and left but this time he had something to talk about with me so I decided to just take a seat and wait. I took my trench coat off and decided to log onto his computer to see that Shivpuri's death had made it to the news. I saw that an article had already been published on it and decided to give it a read.

Notorious gang leader: Armand Shivpuri was found dead later tonight by the Detroit docks in an abandoned warehouse factory that is believed to be a front for Shivpuri's illegal weapons import and export network. Sources say that Shivpuri was not the only body found as even more were found with some in critical condition due to their injuries and the majority of them with bullet holes in them. Police went on record to say that a USB drive was left at the crime scene and contained enough blackmail that would have sent him done for the rest of his life, had he not been killed. The current question that all officers have is who is responsible for these killings? Was this a gang war related issue or was this the acts of the infamous Red Hood? And if so when will he strike again?

Cypher: Hey, hands of the goods.

I turned around to see Cypher who had just got out of the shower and dressed.

I turned around to see Cypher who had just got out of the shower and dressed

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Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now