CHAPTER 7: Red Hood To The Rescue

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Clint and Kate had been stuck inside a warehouse all night long while being forced to ride kid machines, it didn't help either that the Tracksuits would make the night seem like it was longer than it actually was by constantly quipping and making jokes about the famous Hawkeye being stuck on a pony. This had been the worst night of Clint's life and was pretty pissed off at Kate right now seeing as it was her fault that they were in this position to begin with. Kate on the other hand was less angry and more embarrassed about her failed rescue attempt but was still hopeful that Y/N would come to save them. Meanwhile Y/N was on his bike travelling to the coordinates Kate had sent him before she got captured, he was still getting used to the feel of his new suit but definitely felt safer inside it.

The Russian gang members continuously laughed their asses off and just when Clint had lost all hope, the ride stopped and after 2 hours of laughing their asses off, they decided to go and play cards. Now that they were alone, Kate decided that now was probably the best time to talk to Clint.

Kate: Seems like you're mad at me. I know it doesn't look like that but you'd be lost without me, you realise that?

Clint: I was about to clear your name from the suit, until you decided to crash through the skylight.

Kate: Oh.

Clint: Yeah.

Kate: Well there's still a chance that Y/N will save us.

Clint: Your boyfriend is probably already on the highway back to Detroit.

Kate: Wait what do you mean "boyfriend"? Did he say something about me? Not that I care.

She tried to act like she wasn't too fazed by the comment but began to smile uncontrollably while Clint let out a long and heavy sigh. He was stuck in a "will-they-won't-they?" love tale between two kids and would honestly rather be back as mindless slave to Loki.

Clint: Dear God you like him don't you?

Kate: What? No... I just think there's more to him.

Clint: He kills people for his own personal vendetta. Not exactly someone you should be chasing after, trust me I know.

Although Kate wasn't entirely sure about her feelings over Y/N, she would be lying to herself if she said that Y/N killing people wasn't off putting.

Clint: You're putting a lot of trust into someone who a few days ago was terrified of being left alone in the same room as him.

Kate: Well lets just say, I got to know him a bit better.

Clint: Oh yeah? And how did you get through to him?

Kate: Something that you can learn from, a little trust, a little communicating, a little listening...

Clint: What?

He wasn't listening as he was trying to think of an escape plan.

Kate: Basic human stuff pretty much. You know what I think?

However, before she could finish her lecture, Kate was suddenly interrupted by one of the Russian Tracksuit members who abruptly stood up from his seat and began to threaten Kate if she continued to talk.

Ivan: You know what I think? Hmm? I think you talk too much. Blah, blah, blah, blah. She always like this?

The Russian turned to Clint asking for his opinion on the matter who simply nodded.

Ivan: Maybe I rip out your throat. Hmm?

Kate began to panic as he got closer to her and Clint was ready to say something to distract him when suddenly the Red Hood smashed through the skylight in the roof, attracting the attention of all the gang members within the building, making them jump to their feet and draw their weapons out.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now