CHAPTER 20: The Confrontation

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A/N: Just wanted to say this now cause I'm probably not gonna get the chance to say it later but Happy New Year everyone! Please enjoy this new chapter as it is longer than the others but I had a lot of fun writing it, see you guys in 2023!


It was now the dead of night and Maya rode in on Y/N's motorcycle and was standing in the middle of the same car park that she had found her father bleeding to death in. Ivan and Tomas had delivered her a note that was supposedly from Ronin, asking for them to meetup where it all started. However Maya wasn't stupid enough to turn up to what was most likely a trap, without a little backup. She had Kazi who was watching over her on a roof with a scoped rifle and a few other henchmen, such as Ivan and Tomas hiding behind the cars. Maya stood there, patiently waiting for whatever was going to happen.

Meanwhile Clint, now having no other choice than to wear his Ronin suit, was observing from the shadows. He saw Kazi on the roof and knew that he had to take him out first if he wanted his plan to work. Using the darkness as his ally, Ronin snuck up behind him and knocked him out, leaving Maya and her backup wide open for a frontal assault. Due to Maya's hearing, there was no need for Clint to try and take out the Tracksuits silently so he rushed down to the ground and took them all out, one by one until only Maya was left standing.

Ronin then weaved in and out between the parked cars in an attempt to get closer but Maya saw him coming and began to open fire on him. Bullets went whizzing past Ronin's hood as he crouched down and ran as fast as he could to get to cover. The floor was soon redecorated as the bullets pierced through the car's windscreens and shattered the glass, letting the shards rain down like snow. Seeing the man who murdered her father sent Maya into a blind rage as she continued to fire her gun until she ran out of bullets. By the time she had regained her senses, she had lost sight of him.

That's when Ronin revealed himself to her, with his retractable blade in hand. Maya had never actually ever seen Ronin but seeing him stood all high and mighty just gave her all the strength she needed to finish this. The two charged at each other, both ready to beat the living shit out of each other, and began to fight it out.

Maya led with a variety of kicks, she was bringing out every attack she had learnt since she was a little girl to overpower him. Ronin did his best to counter her fury of kicks but Maya was eventually able to break through him and swipe his sword, she then proceeded to try and stab and slash him open like a turkey on Christmas day. However Maya had never been trained to fight with a sword and was currently relying on her rage. This obviously only got her so far as Ronin was able to disarm her, tossing the sword to one side; Putting the two fighters on equal terms.

They continued to fight, both of them striking each other with increasingly heavy blows. They were occasionally able to block the others' attack but were nowhere near fast enough to follow up with a counter attack. Their punches got faster and faster until Ronin trapped Maya in an armlock and began to choke her, in an attempt to subdue her and then used all of his power to kick her to the cold damp floor.

Unfortunately, that wasn't going to keep Maya down, especially when she had been doing all of this in memory of her father. She got back up with haste and the second round of their brawl began.

They continued to fight until their gazes landed upon the retractable blade that had been sitting on the floor for the past couple of minutes, they both ran to it but Ronin was able to use his acrobatic ability to get ahead of Maya. With his weapon back in hand, the assassin was then able to deflect all of her attacks and was even able to catch a roundhouse kick and threw her to the floor.

His eyes sinisterly stared deep into Maya's, piercing her heart as she knew what would come next. He presented the tip of his blade to her as she shuffled back until she had backed into the front of a car. She panted as he walked closer and raised his hand to his hood and slowly unmasked himself to her.

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