CHAPTER 15: New York's Finest

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I was now walking down the streets, heading towards the police department down in Manhattan; God I miss my bike. Cypher had told me that he had a contact on the force who would be to get me a uniform to blend in with the other corrupt pigs. Our plan was simple, walk in posing as a cop and head into the evidence lockup unit and retrieve the stolen arrows. I know Clint told me to stay put but we couldn't just trust some random LARPer to get them back for us, no offence to them but we were running out of time as it would only be a matter of time until Kingpin found us.

After revising the plan in my head one more time, I turned the corner and saw the department.

As I continued to approach the place I felt a cop bump into me and discreetly pass me a package

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As I continued to approach the place I felt a cop bump into me and discreetly pass me a package. This was presumably my disguise so I quickly went down a narrow alley and changed behind the dumpster.

Once changed, I confidently walked into the police department and acted like I was one of them. The receptionist saw me walking past but didn't seem suspicious of me so she let me pass, allowing me to enter the offices. Most of the cops and detectives were too busy dealing with their own business to acknowledge me entering the room. Across the room was a long stretching corridor that led to a room labelled "Evidence Lockup Storage" Bingo.

I was just about to make my way there when I felt a firm amount of pressure be applied to my shoulder. My natural reaction to an act like this to instantly punch the guy in the face but remembering that I wasn't Red Hood right now, I turned around calmly to see who it was and saw that it was some guy, presumably a detective, sporting a leather jacket, a dark top underneath and a pair of blue jeans.

 My natural reaction to an act like this to instantly punch the guy in the face but remembering that I wasn't Red Hood right now, I turned around calmly to see who it was and saw that it was some guy, presumably a detective, sporting a leather jac...

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???: Hey asshole, You lost or something?

Y/N: No. I'm a consultant for the NYPD and you are?

Gavin: Detective Gavin Reed, remember it dipshit. Consultant huh? I've never seen your ass around here before. Who you here to consult?

This asshole was interrogating me as to why I was here and out of pressure, said the first name that came to my head.

Y/N: Jim Gordon.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now