CHAPTER 22: The Aftermath

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After Y/N's plan had fallen apart, everyone had quickly fled the scene. Clint and Kate were lucky enough to have got an uber to take them back home before the cops showed up. The avenger knew that he should say something to Kate but couldn't find the right words. Kate on the other hand wasn't in a much better place either as she was mere seconds away from taking another human being's life, the very thing she had criticised Y/N for doing. On top of that, there was also the issue of Black Widow's very own sister trying to kill Clint as well. He knew that he should say something but couldn't find the right words.

Clint: How you holding up?

Kate just nodded as a response, not ready to talk yet.

Clint: I know it wasn't an easy choice to make and I'm sorry you got put in that position.

Kate: It's not your fault. I should've never gotten involved with him...

Clint: Don't blame yourself for his actions. Y/N has a wide range of psychological issues and he tried to manipulate you into thinking like him. Some people just can't be saved.

Kate: I understand that now.

Clint: For now let's just focus on the Tracksuits for now. We'll handle Y/N when we have to. One problem at a time.

Kate: Speaking of issues, there's one other thing you should know about. The girl from the other night. I spoke to her.

Clint: And?

Kate: She's Natasha's sister.

Clint: Yelena...

The two archers then took a moment to rest and come to terms with this revelation as their uber took them back to the hideout after one of the most eventful nights of their life.


Doctor Lee was speaking on the phone to her senior doctor in her office as she sipped whisky to top off her day

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Doctor Lee was speaking on the phone to her senior doctor in her office as she sipped whisky to top off her day.

Lee: Yes Mr Castle, your heart medication will be ready for you to collect tomorrow. Yeah, you'll need to take one in the morning and one at night.

The young doctor slammed her phone down on the desk and finished off her drink as she looked up to the ceiling and closed her eyes for a moment of peace. She was leaning back in her chair and was just about to drift off when she was awakened by a loud knock at her door followed by a raspy voice on the other side, crying out for help.

???: Leslie... I ne- help...

Lee shot up on her feet and rushed towards the door. There was something about the voice she recognised but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She swung the door open to reveal that it was Y/N who looked as though he had been through Hell.

Y/N: Leslie, help me...

He begged as he then stumbled into her and slowly fell to the floor and finally passed out from exhaustion. Lee panicked and tried to catch him but couldn't support his weight and ultimately ended up laying him down on the floor.

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