CHAPTER 9: Rest & Relaxation

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(Y/N P.O.V)

After getting back to the hideout, we changed out of our suits before Kate and I finally decided to go out and walk the dog. I took off my helmet and put on a grey shirt and due to the chilly season a dark charcoal jacket while Kate wore a white shirt and back jacket. We put the lead on the dog and walked around the city for a bit. We joked around for a bit and got to know each other a bit better and discussed possible names for the dog but couldn't really come to an agreement over what he should be called. Though there was a look on her face that stayed for the entire duration of our walk, like she wanted to talk to me about something but was too hesitant to say anything. When we felt like we had walked far enough, we decided to head back to the apartment to find Clint using a frozen food packet to help treat the whiplash he got from all the fast and furious driving we did.

Kate: We're back.

Y/N: And he still can't hear a thing we are saying. Just when we were starting to communicate as well, shame.

I then suddenly heard a phone ringing from the living room and heard a little kid talking. I walked back into the kitchen to see Clint was on loudspeaker to who I believed to be his son, though he didn't know this and assumed it to be his wife due to his lack of hearing.

Clint: Hey babe.

Kid: Hi Daddy.

Clint: Hey listen, I can't really talk right now, cause look... Maybe... Do you have time to text? Can you text? Can you text me?

Kate then pieced together who the boy was just like me and although at first she tried to call out to him to grab his attention, she then helped him out a bit by writing on a notepad: Little boy

Clint: Nathaniel? Nathaniel, what are you... What are you doing buddy? Is everything okay? Where's Mama?

Nathaniel: She's still asleep, I'm so bored.

Clint: Look, there might be a bit of a delay. It's kind of a bad connection.

He then waited for Kate to write out what he said and gave the excuse that there was a connection issue.

Clint: You're bored? *chuckles* You're the early bird. Hey bud, I miss you. Why don't you go get some breakfast and read a book or something until Mama wakes up?

Nathaniel: What's the point of even reading a book? Are you coming back home tonight? It's the Christmas movie marathon.

Clint then looked to Kate who then proceeded to write down on her pad: Home tonight for movies?

After he read it, he looked disappointed. I didn't know Clint's plans for the holidays but it sounded like he was missing out on some stuff he had planned with his children.

Clint: Uh, yeah. Tonight is movie marathon night, that's right. I really wish I could be there with you, buddy. You know how much I love that. Um, but I'm not gonna make it. But I think I'll be back in the next day or so. Yeah, we'll be in time for our ugly Christmas sweater party. Are you ready for that? Nathaniel? Buddy?

There was suddenly a silence in the conversation and everyone waited to hear what Nathaniel was going to say back. Clint could tell there was silence so he decided to fill the void of silence.

Clint: Oh boy, I tell you, I miss you so much.

Nathaniel: It's okay if you can't come home for Christmas, Daddy. We understand.

Kate then wrote down what Nathaniel said and Clint looked like he was consumed by a wave of guilt for having to cancel his Christmas plans with his family.

Clint: I'm gonna be there, buddy. I... You know I'm gonna be there, like I said, right? I'm so happy to hear your voice. Daddy's gotta go, okay? I love you.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now