CHAPTER 18: Where It All Began

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A/N: So

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A/N: So... I was gone for a while but now I'm back. I had a severe case of Writer's Block but was able to overcome it thanks to modern day medicine. I'm now back on the case of writing this story as we near the last couple of chapters as we have about 2 episodes left, in terms of content so be sure to stay tuned for them and thank you for being patient!


*BACK IN 2018*

Before he took the mantle of the Red Hood, Y/N was just simply known as Y/N to his family and friends

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Before he took the mantle of the Red Hood, Y/N was just simply known as Y/N to his family and friends. He had no violent tendencies, could control his anger and even believed in the justice system back and thought that every soul could be redeemed and was not beyond saving. This would all change in the next coming years of his life.

Y/N was currently relaxing on his couch at home, enjoying the satisfying sensation of the rain colliding into the window near him. His Dad had been in their garage for the past 3 hours, making repairs to their motorbike. His Father was a mechanic and owned his own repair shop but even when he wasn't at work, he still spent any free time modifying the motorbike they had and his Mom was currently working a late shift as a nurse. She didn't always work this late but they needed the money badly so she took any shift she could take.

With his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, Y/N was slowly drifting off to sleep. The only thing that was keeping him conscious was the TV playing in the background, it was a news report about this massive spaceship that had descended in New York earlier in the day and ended in a brawl with Tony Stark and the Spiderman fighting against aliens; Y/N wasn't really worried about it though as he knew that it would turn out fine.

He was suddenly brought back into consciousness when he heard the rattling of keys against the door and saw his Mom walk into the living room with a bag of groceries in hand.

Y/N: Hey, how was work?

Mom: Well we had several patients who needed tending to after a shootout that happened with the Detroit Police but luckily no one was hurt too badly.

Y/N: I'm sure the police will catch the people responsible for it.

Mom: Mmm, I hope so too.

She continued to lay out the groceries on the table, preparing to cook dinner for her son and her husband.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now