CHAPTER 6: Strange Encounters

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up the next day in Kate's spare bedroom and could immediately feel the aftermath of mine and Clint's brawl from last night, for an old man he sure hits hard; It didn't help either that I couldn't sleep last night thanks to the burn on my shoulder. If I was being honest, this job hasn't gone exactly according to plan. It was supposed to be a quick in and out mission but all it ended up doing was bringing back bad memories.

I then looked at the damage of my suit and realised that it was damaged beyond repair, the integrity of the Kevlar had been weakened and looked like it wouldn't provide much support against gun fire or knives anymore. Great, I came here to get some new gear and ended up losing my current gear. It was probably a sign for me to pack up and leave now while I still can, it was unprofessional of me to tell her so much about my personal lifeThere was also the issue of both Kate and Clint having seen my face but then something about that didn't seem right. I then thought about what I told Kate last night. I don't know what it was about Kate though but she seemed to truly care about people and that I could trust her with my history.

Clint thought that Red Hood was a murderer but that wasn't true, Red Hood protects those who cant fight for themselves and keeps them safe and that's what I was gonna with Kate. I nearly became the very thing I swore to destroy when attacking Kate but I knew how to make it right. The Tracksuits would obviously try to go back for her but I wasn't gonna let that happen to her as I would be there to protect her. Though that would be a bit hard to do given the current state of my gear but luckily I knew just the guy to help me out here and gave Cypher a call.

Cypher: Dude! Where have you been? I saw the news and thought Ronin had killed you!

Y/N: I'm somewhat offended that you think I can be killed.

Cypher: So what happened? You said you'd call me after the job was done and never did, you didn't blow your cover did you?

Y/N: Things didn't exactly go according to plan. I activated the EMP as planned but it turns out we weren't the only ones trying to steal from the auction, there was this crew who showed up and ended up stealing it for themselves.

Cypher: And how does Ronin fit into this story?

Y/N: That I'm still trying to figure out myself. Let's just say it wasn't exactly him.

Cypher: Does this mean you're heading back home?

Y/N: Not yet, the situation has developed somewhat.

Cypher: Oh no... What have you done now?

I then explained the situation to him about Kate being hunted down by the Tracksuits and how I couldn't go back to Detroit until we had cleared her name.

Cypher: So we're only doing this to protect a girl?

Y/N: Pretty much.

Cypher: Admit it, you're only doing this because she's hot.

Y/N: And because it's the right thing to do.

Cypher: So you admit that she is hot?

Fuck. He got me there. I stayed silent for a solid minute trying to think of a response but nothing came to me.

Y/N: ANYWAY I need your help.

Cypher: I'm starting to notice you only ever call when you need something, why can't it ever be a social call?

Y/N: My suit has been damaged pretty badly and I can't really go out at night with a massive hole in my suit. Is there any material I can get in New York to try and repair it?

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now