CHAPTER 4: Vengeance

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(Y/N P.O.V)

Ronin: Hello...

He was shorter than I expected and a lot less beefier than I originally thought. My heart began to beat at a thousand miles an hour, my blood felt like it had been replaced with pure volcanic acid and was surging through my body. My breathing got heavier and heavier and I could feel my anger taking full control of me but I didn't care, I was gonna kill the son of a bitch who slaughtered my entire family.

The gunmen began to open fire on him as he fled into the shadows but there was no way I was gonna let these schmucks take my kill, so I picked up a pistol on the floor and shot one guy in his kneecap and another in the head. I rugby tackled the guy to the floor and released another bullet in his head. I then felt bullets zoom past my head and instantly dove for cover behind one of the wine shelves. I could hear a fight transpiring near me and peaked my head around the corner to see Ronin smashing bottles on people's heads with ease. My attention was then brought back to the gunman approaching my hiding position and grabbed hold of his gun and pointed it in the air as he began to fire rapidly, his face was met with one of my elbow strikes as he then released his grip of the gun and ended up getting pistol whipped by his own firearm.

I looked back and saw Ronin escaping via the massive hole in the side of the cellar.


I yelled out, demanding he come back to fight me

Clearly I gave him too much credit as he was a coward and fled the scene, causing me to chase after him. I ran out into the cold night and ran past a truck that was being filled with stolen items with a knocked out guy in a tracksuit lying next to it. Under normal circumstances I would have returned all of it and subdue the guy but tonight turned out to be much more exciting than I originally thought. My anger drove me to run faster and faster until I found myself in the streets with Ronin doing flips over cars and he was smart, I'll give him that; he had run into the public to use them as human shields. I heard footsteps rushing towards me and saw one of the intruders from before stare at me and Ronin as he lifted his mask up, sirens could then be heard in the distance giving me my signal to leave.


Y/N had managed to sneak away from the police and dispose of the crappy pistol and balaclava he picked up at the auction. He was both thrilled and vengeful to see the butcher of his family again, he now had the chance to avenge their deaths and he was gonna be damned if he would let this chance go. Though Y/N wasn't done with Ronin just yet, he was gonna go back out and look for him again but right now he didn't have the right tools to get the job done. Y/N walked back into his apartment and went straight for his Red Hood bag to suit up, he put his trench coat on and holstered his dual pistols. He then grabbed his Red Hood balaclava and tied it around the back of his head, every time he put the mask on it would be for his idea of justice but this time it was different; This time it was a personal matter.

Y/N then opened his window and leaped out, using his grappling hook to catch himself on the adjacent building. He scaled up and perched himself on the ledge.

Y/N: Where are you?


Kate had just seen Armand's dead body, oozing with blood on the carpet, she wanted to call an ambulance but she heard someone coming and knew she couldn't be seen the way she was; Especially at a scene like this so she had no choice but to run away. She ran as far as she could until she felt like her legs were about to give way and found herself on the empty streets of New York.

Kate had just about caught her breath again when she suddenly felt a pair of headlights illuminate her body, she looked to her left to see two guys in tracksuits getting out of a van *Probably the same guys from tonight's auction* She thought to herself.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now