CHAPTER 23: Forgive Me

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A/N: As I said in the last chapter, there's a trigger warning for this chapter as it deals with some dark topics.


While all the blood and mayhem was occurring in New York, Cypher was sitting in his Detroit apartment, playing Elden Ring

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While all the blood and mayhem was occurring in New York, Cypher was sitting in his Detroit apartment, playing Elden Ring.

Cypher: Its supposed to be a fucking RPG! What role am I playing, the fucking victim?! Jesus Christ!

He continued to curse at the TV screen as he was killed by Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy; forcing him to restart that God forbidden boss fight. However his 5th attempt at this boss was suddenly interrupted when he heard his phone ringing. Reluctantly, he paused the game and answered his phone to hear that it was Y/N trying to reach him.

Y/N: Hey Cypher.

Cypher: Hood! The fuck happened to you dude? You said that you were going to scramble Ronin's brains out with the prototype sniper and then you went offline for like a day.

Y/N: Are you saying you were worried about me?

Cypher: I was more worried about what happened to the suit and gear I spent months making but yeah, I was starting to wonder if you were dead.

Y/N: Not yet.

Cypher: So what happened then? The news said that Red Hood had been witnessed fleeing the scene after reports of gunfire had been made. Please don't tell me you just ran away, I had bet $1,000 on you killing Ronin.

Y/N: I tracked him down and got the jump on him. We both landed some pretty solid shots on each other but eventually I got the upper hand and was gonna publicly execute him.

Cypher: Fuck yes! Gladiator style, I love it!

Y/N: And then finally, everything I had worked for was right in front of me. All I had to do was pull the trigger but then...

Cypher: Why do I get the feeling I'm about to lose $1,000?

Y/N: He told me the truth. He explained to me what really happened that night and after that, things got complicated...

Cypher: Complicated how?

Y/N: It doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that now I'm done hunting Ronin. I'm done with New York.

Cypher: So you're finally coming back to Detroit just in time for the holidays, I'll start cooking the Christmas turkey. Wait, what does your hot girlfriend think about you leaving New York or will she be joining us for dinner?

Even the mention of Kate aggravated the guilt he felt which left Y/N even more determined to atone for what he had done.

Y/N: Me and Kate are done. We had our fun but I fucked it all up. I hurt her and tried to corrupt her. There's nothing left for me here, Cypher. I'm used to being on my own but just these past couple of days, I've never felt so alone before.

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