CHAPTER 8: Hot Pursuit

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Kate, Clint and Y/N all ran out of the building to be greeted by the frosty temperature the morning had to bring. They had just fled from the building that they had spent the whole night being interrogated in and now needed a vehicle to escape as the Tracksuit mafia were slowly catching up to them. If they were to escape, it would have to be now.

Clint: We need a car.

Everyone had different ideas of how to escape. Clint ran into a parking lot and wanted to hotwire the first car he saw, Kate on the other hand wanted to steal a 1972 Dodge Challenger and Y/N wanted to use his bike as their getaway vehicle.

Kate: Woah, can we take this one? Man, this thing's beautiful.

She soon got her answer when she heard glass shatter and saw Clint hotwiring some random dusty old car and said he wasn't gonna smash up a nice car like that. He dumped his bow and arrows in the back seat of the car and sat inside trying to start the car.

Clint: Hey you two, get over here. Y/N, I need you to drive.

Y/N: What? Why can't I just go on my bike? It's faster anyway.

Clint had his hearing aid destroyed and didn't hear a word Y/N had said to him. Y/N realised there was no point in trying to communicate with him like this and decided to stick with his plan instead and walked off to go get his bike.

Kate: Hey, where are you going?

Y/N: We're as good as dead if we try to escape in that heap of junk. I can draw their fire and lead them away on my bike while you guys go back to the hideout.

Kate was about to question his plan when she heard Clint yell at her to get back to the car. She returned to him and Y/N walked off to go get his bike. Clint looked up to see that Y/N had vanished.

Clint: Ah shit. Where's he going? Ok new plan, Kate you're driving.

Kate: What? I don't know how to drive.

Clint: Come over here.

Kate: No, you, you drive. I shoot.

Clint obviously didn't hear a word she was saying and was starting to get pissed off seeing as nobody was listening to what he was telling them to do.

Clint: I'm not hearing you. You drive, okay?

However before she could get in the driver's seat the Tracksuits ran out of the building shooting their guns at the car. Kate dove for cover inside the car just as a bullet narrowly missed her and smashed the passenger window. As Clint struggled to start the car, one Tracksuit jumped onto the hood of the car and began to smash the windshield with a baseball bat while another one ran to the side and tried to drag Kate out of the car.

Luckily Clint finally started the car and speedily reversed out, the person with the baseball bat on the hood falling off. The two drove off with the Tracksuits getting in their cars to chase after them.

Kazi: Ivan, come with me.

They got into a van together while Maya went with Tomas in the Challenger.

Kate was on look out while Clint had to keep his eyes on the road, it didn't help either that he would have to be extra alert now that he couldn't hear anything. There were 4 vehicles tailing them with a moving truck cutting up in front of them, the backdoor rolled up to reveal 3 gunmen as they began to unload bullets into the car.

Clint: Hang on.

He suddenly swerved the car onto the other side of the road, narrowly missing an incoming car, and drove away from the shooters. They then witness Y/N on his bike speeding in the opposite lane with multiple vehicles chasing him.

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