CHAPTER 26: The Battle of Christmas Eve

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(Y/N P.O.V)

???: Y/N? Y/N? Y/N, do you read me?

From the darkness I could hear my name being called out to me. As I slowly sat up, all that could be heard was the sound of the shards of glass trickling down my body as they fell to the floor. I tried to move my hands but they felt constricted behind my back. Once my vision had returned to me I could see that now I had been detained by armed NYPD officers who all had their guns and flashlights trained on me, waiting in fear of me to make a move.

Gavin: Affirmative sir. We have the Red Hood. No sign of the other targets yet. We'll keep you in the loop.

I recognised the officer in front of me. It was Detective Gavin Reed, the loud mouth I knocked out when I broke into the NYPD precinct.

 It was Detective Gavin Reed, the loud mouth I knocked out when I broke into the NYPD precinct

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Cypher: Looks like someone hit the snooze button one too many times. I'm watching you through the feed in your helmet so they don't know I'm talking to you right now but try not to react to my voice. You got 2 guys behind you and 3 in front of you, all armed with semi automatics. Taking them down without your pistols aint gonna be easy. Look around the room to see if you can use anything to your advantage.

I slowly began to glance around the office and realised that it looked like a tornado and blew through here after my brawl with Yelena. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed one of the lights was flickering. Eureka!

Cypher: Ahhhh, I see what you're planning. I can diverge the power from the room for a couple of minutes and kill the lights. That should buy you enough time to break free and switch your HUD to night vision and do what you do best. On your mark.

Y/N: Kill it.

The moment the words left my mouth, the room was engulfed in darkness and I quickly dislocated my thumbs to slip through my handcuffs. The officers called out to each other in fear for reassurance but got none as I took them all down one by one. The first one I placed in a chokehold and kept a tight grip till his body fell to the floor like a bag of rocks. I managed to immobilise the second with a few well-placed shurikens into his foot and upper thigh and the last was knocked unconscious with a combination of right hooks before head butting him with my helmet, leaving it tainted by the blood from his nose; Though you wouldn't be able to tell.

The final two detected me within the darkness through the cries of their comrades and opened fire on me. For a minute the gunfire was the only source of illumination in the room as the bullets smashed and sparking against my armour, giving them a brief glimpse of me before I disarmed them and beat them with their own firearms.

 For a minute the gunfire was the only source of illumination in the room as the bullets smashed and sparking against my armour, giving them a brief glimpse of me before I disarmed them and beat them with their own firearms

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Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now