CHAPTER 10: Meeting The In-Laws

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I had just stepped one foot into the other room when I felt a sharp, icy cold blade pin against my Adams apple. Had I moved an inch at all, my throat would have been slit. Having knives being pressed against my throat is a pretty regular occurrence when you go out fighting crime each night on the Detroit streets but this time I was without my armour and didn't even have a weapon to defend myself.

???: Don't move.

Y/N: Yup. No problem. Just take it easy.

???: Stay exactly where you are.

My opposer then walked in front of me to be revealed to be a middle aged man in a suit, wielding a sword.

???: Who are you? What are you doing here?

I thought long and hard about my answer knowing it could be the difference between life and death.

Y/N: I'm the cleaner?

Really? That's the best I could come up with while under the spotlight?

Y/N: Listen I tend to talk better when I'm not being threatened so if you could just put that down before someone gets hurt, that'd be great.

He didn't seem to care for my witty remarks and seemed to get more and more agitated by each word. I have this effect on a lot of people. He showed no sign of putting the blade down, though there was something about him that felt vaguely familiar.

Thankfully but before things got real bloody, Kate ran into the room and managed to intervene and have possibly saved my life.

Kate: Jack, no!

Suddenly another person who bared a striking resemblance to Kate (Most likely her mother) walked around the corner and asked why I was there.

Kate's Mom: What the Hell is going on here? And why is there a strange boy in my dining room?

Jack: Is this a friend of yours, Katie?

Kate's Mom: Kate, who is this?

There was a brief pause before Kate spoke again and her words both shocked me and pleased me, in a weird combination.

Kate: He's my... He's... My boyfriend! Mom, Jack, this is my boyfriend: Y/N.


Her parents looked at us in complete shock and disbelief, had Kate never dated before?

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Her parents looked at us in complete shock and disbelief, had Kate never dated before?

After suspending their disbelief, the two of them somewhat welcomed me into the family with open arms.

Jack: Oh that's wonderful sweetie.

Kate's Mom: Sorry about that. I'm Eleanor, Kate's mother.

Jack then finally removed the sword away from me and I felt like I could breathe again, I finally realised where I had seen Jack before. He was there at the night of the auction and was the one who stole the Ronin's sword and after looking at the sword he was wielding, wouldn't ya know it? He was the one who snatched it out of my hand when I was knocked out and I was slowly starting to believe Kate's theory about him being a murderer. Eleanor then outstretched her hand for me to shake and even though I was suspicious of her fiancé, I accepted her hand.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now