CHAPTER 5: New Allies

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I was on the streets with Clint and the girl from the auction, whose name was Kate and were now heading to her apartment. During the journey Kate had explained that she wasn't actually Ronin and she just put the suit at the auction to conceal her identity.

Dear God, I could have killed her. I nearly crossed the line tonight and all for my revenge. Thank God Clint was there or who knows what I would have done to her.

Kate: Look, just so you know, I'm not some total noob, right? Um... I was a little overwhelmed but I held my own with those douchebags.

I had pieced together by now that Kate was a fan of Hawkeye and was trying to big herself up in front of him but to be fair, she was able to take on a few of the gunmen at the auction so she did have some skill.

Kate: Um, some people have called me the world's greatest archer.

Y/N: I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you're one of them.

Kate: Well one of them, yes.

She then led us upstairs to her apartment and I was glad to see my old buddy again lying on the floor next to a torn pizza box.

Y/N: Hey pal, glad to see you found somewhere nice to stay.

I said as I got down on my knees and began to pet him.

Kate: He's yours?

Y/N: Not really. I ran into him a couple days ago, pretty sure he's a stray.

Clint: Yeah, well he's certainly no guard dog.

I then decided to keep my distance from Clint and Kate so I moved to the other side of the room and rested against the wall.

Clint: Nice place for a kid. What are you 18?

Kate: I inherited it and I'm 22.

Clint then turned to me and asked the same.

Clint: What about you? Under that stupid mask you sound pretty young.

Y/N: 23.

Clint: Christ, I'm surrounded by kids.

Y/N: I'm not a kid!

Clint just sighed and massaged his forehead.

Clint: So, wanna get that vest off so we can get going?

Kate: Yeah. Yeah, I'll... I'll be right there.

She then took her bag with her and went upstairs to change out of the suit, I also let a laugh slip out as I heard she told herself to stay cool. Clint then snooped around her apartment and decided to ask me some questions.

Clint: It won't help you know. Going down this path, killing people to feel better. Just makes you a murderer.

Y/N: I'm not a murderer, I have morals and a code to keep me on the right side of the law.

Clint: Oh yeah? Let's hear what you got.

Y/N: No bystanders or children, that's the rules.

He simply scoffed at my code and I pretended not to be insulted by it.

Clint: Well you almost killed an innocent woman tonight, how does that work in terms of your code? Listen you can either quit this job or keep going down this route and end up like your victims, shot dead.

Kate then came back downstairs wearing a purple sweatshirt and a pair of purple sweatpants, I'm guessing she liked the colour purple, with the Ronin suit in one hand and a bow in the other.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now