CHAPTER 12: The Ronin's Truth

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A/N: That's right mother fuckers! The Hood is back! Sorry for taking such a long break from writing, I was just giving myself the summer holidays to rest for a bit as the next half of the chapters are going to be nothing short of dramatic and acti...

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A/N: That's right mother fuckers! The Hood is back! Sorry for taking such a long break from writing, I was just giving myself the summer holidays to rest for a bit as the next half of the chapters are going to be nothing short of dramatic and action packed and I really wanted to be able to get it right. So without further ado, please do enjoy this chapter and trust me when I say that the real fun begins now...


After Mom took Y/N to see him leave the penthouse, I was left sat at the table with just Jack.

Jack: He seems nice.

Kate: Yeah, he is. It's one of the reasons why I love him.

Jack: He also seems to make you happy.

I admit that even though I only told Mom and Jack that we were a couple to cover us, it did feel nice to act like we were together. For a second, I felt like I had everything I needed and that's when I realised how I truly felt about him.

I now knew that I did love Y/N and that I wanted to confess my true feelings to him.

Jack: I'm sure you'll be just as happy as your mother and I are.

I smiled back at him but still remained on edge around him, as long as he was with Mom, she wasn't safe. I heard the elevator ping and knew that Y/N had now left the building. Pizza Dog then started moaning and I looked down to see that he was lying on the floor looking hungry. I used that as an excuse to stop the small talk with Jack and went to the kitchen to try and find something for Pizza Dog to eat. I searched in the fridge for something he could have and decided to feed him some leftovers that had been saved from the night before. I pulled my phone out and tried texting him to see what Mom wanted to talk to him about.

What did my Mom want to talk to u about?

He was normally pretty quick when it came to responding but this time it was taking a while for him to respond. I was probably being over alert but I tried to call him instead but his voicemail said he was already engaged with another call. I put my phone back when Mom walked back into the room and it seemed that Y/N had tried his witty charm on her but judging by her face, it did not go down well...

Eleanor: Kate, come here please. We need to talk.

Oh God, the four words every child fears their parents saying. Not wanting to anger her more, I went back to the lounge room to see her and Jack sitting down in the arm chairs.

Eleanor: Kate, we need to talk about your relationship with Y/N.

Kate: Why?

Eleanor: I don't think dating is best for you, right now. With everything that has just happened at the charity event and your apartment burning down and now you're dating some detective and getting involved with the NYPD cases?

Jack: Your Mother just wants what's best for you.

I gave Jack a cold look as he spoke and he knew to stop talking. I didn't care if he was marrying my Mom, this argument was between me and her.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now